How do I reduce cholestral quickly
Lynn: How do I reduce cholestral quickly - Healthy Evidence

Not sure what you want and why. Cholesterol is one of the most important compounds in the body. It is essential for good functioning of the body. However there can be problems when fatty deposits get laid down in arteries reducing or blocking blood flow.
Why it gets laid down is open for debate. Some research indicates you get fatty deposits in arteries because of damage to arteries by wear and tear or infection. Source of infection can be bleeding gums.
Wether you have too high a Cholesterol is something you need to discuss with the GP. Research diet. It is a complex subject very dependant on someones bionome.
The word microbiome is defined as the collection of microbes or microorganisms that inhabit an environment, creating a sort of “mini-ecosystem”. Our human microbiome is made up of communities of symbiotic, commensal and pathogenic bacteria (along with fungi and viruses) all of which call our bodies home.
The microbiome of the gut has a large influence on what nutrients and chemical compounds are available to be absorbed in the intestines. This makes the diet approach to Cholesterol control difficult and unique to each person.
Statins which are prescribed for Cholesterol can cause memory problems and other things.
You have to do your own research and investigation on what is not an easy subject.
Have you tried eating Flora Pro Active it works for me.
Eat a plant based diet
Thanks x
one hour walk and few nuts(almond and walnut) with balanced diet in proper timing will help you to reduce your cholesterol level.