These generations are ruled by these "Smartphone iphone companies" ! I'm retired not very 'mobile' so I need my mobile form of communications, gone are the days when the likes of a 2G 'Nokia' could have saved the social life of the oldies [non-technological able] for a simple message or word of communication or encouragement! It's now gone up to 4G, that's progress for you🙄 but are there any "reliable" sturdy, easy chargeable, basic, [even a basic camera if really possible], good voice volume adjustable, easy readable instruction manual, remember available worldwide, for the senior user, big buttons, for the under 16's who in reality should not REALLY use "Smartphones", the size of buttons less important, but certainly reliable call & text phones that cover these issues there would be a large market, a GENUINE ALTERNATIVE to those Smartphones, people want to communicate to each other, want their local news, not who played who in so and so? When was ...... born? they want to speak to each other, converse, latest local news! Sitting in buses/trains/supermarkets/shops/cafes/mortuaries/churches clicking away on those mindless machines, losing their individualities 😵😖😣😲😤😏😣 The "Smartphone iphone companies" don't care they make the money out of us Senior's and sensible under 16's because they know there is not a decent viable alternative🤫🤐🙄That's AI progress for you!
Ever wondered why the "Seniors" cannot ge... - Healthy Evidence
Ever wondered why the "Seniors" cannot get a reliable call & text phone anymore? Should the under 16's not have Smartphones/iphones?

I have a Doro and Nokia do a dumb phones. If you are under sixteen you may prefer the Barbie phone or the Punket.
They should in these days of technological progress and "reliability" make them just a BIT more so, not cheap alternatives, trying to 'brush the subject under the carpet' and certainly make the likes of the "Barbie phone or the Punket" more attractable to the under 16 generation, more highlight of the pitfalls and the unforseen circumstances the 'mighty' Smartphone can open them to? I have had Doro's in the last five years, but their plain unreliability have meant that a new temporary 'alternative' is always just around the corner🙄
I was quite impressed with the design of the Barbie and Punket. What went wrong with your Doro? I still have a mono one and my sister has a colour one.
I had a Doro but kept having to be recharged every 36 hours, [my previous one was a Doro 2G], even Which? recommended it for a simple seniors call & text 4G, I'm currently using a Panasonic one but 2mm writing on the instruction 'manual'🤓 I've had it about 9 months, very fiddly?, not reliable at all, never seen the Barbie or Punket ones [by the way I'm definitely an oldie] are they available in UK? Its just any in that range they are ALWAYS of such low standard, always at least one major pitfall in every one of them!
It depends what you mean by a low standard.
It will have no internet connection👌, it needs to be sturdy [take a few knocks], long battery at least a week never one day, good screen, in the case of seniors; volume adjuster, big buttons, forgivable keyboard, easily readable instructions, emergency button, easy text controls and message sender,[maybe a half decent camera which can send pictures] try to find ONE that can do that reasonably? 🕵️♀️🙄 ps those Barbie keyboards are a BIT pink🤭
I totally agree. I detest my Smartphone. I asked my son to take it off the internet.
Cheers, Midori
Well done Midori👌 I was around at my Sister's on Boxing Day, my nephew, showed me his little "technological marvel"🙄 a small box he kept his 'business cards', pushed a button they displayed themselves😏 he put the box on the table walked away from it for about 10 feet and an alarm went off on his Smartphone🙄 [I thought to myself, some body setting off a load of those things 'accidently', rather defeating the purpose? I can't see those 'gadgets' lasting long?] later on watching "Master and Commander" on pre-recorded tape, mother and son sitting beside themselves, most of the show, 'fidgiting' away on their Smartphones, trying to find the 'history' of every actor in the film [their tv remote control obviously low on batteries] click, click, click🤭how I kept a straight face🤐 [he's the manager of a Computer Game shop🙊] I will be making my "excuses" next time I am invited around🤫🤭
Sometimes, even the smartest folk can be dense as fog!
Cheers, Midori