Smart watch personalised nutrition is comin... - Healthy Eating

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Smart watch personalised nutrition is coming...

26 Replies

I read this with interest and my opinion it has a few flaws, like human nature, unpredictability spontaneity and circumstances, for starters.

But it shows how the manufacturers of smart/fitness devices are thinking.

I have a smart watch and I have scales that measure my body fat electronically but I'd hit the off switch if they started to tell me what to eat and when as there are so many permutations for eating well for us. It just shows how the tech giants have their eyes on the potential of a personalised nutrition diet plan...💲💲💲 👀

May be I'm being a cynic. 😀

26 Replies

Hi Jerry

Very interesting article but you are not a cynic as I think that this is a step too far. We all know when we do our online banking, order items online and are part of a social network like Facebook that it's very easy for our accounts to get hacked so what would stop them hacking something like this, it's open to fraud as far as I can see.

I don't even own a Fitbit as they are not accurate as my daughter some time back was whisking something in a bowl and the Fitbit counted it as steps - just saying!

It's very good that some things are moving forward but not others.

Those are just my thoughts anyway.

Alicia :)

in reply to

Hi Alicia, I have a Garmin for my bike and find that useful and have a smart watch but it doesn't tell me what to eat or when.

On Facebook people give too much personal info like when they're going on holiday LOL.

Imagine no Wi Fi you wouldn't now what to eat or when...🤨

Jerry 😊

in reply to

Hi Jerry

Oh most definitely a Garmin for a bike, in fact that's something I wouldn't mind for mine as I never know exactly how far I've cycled albeit I haven't been on it for a while now as the weather hasn't been the best lets say. I don't think I'd like anything that tells me what to eat or when, it's like big brother is watching you. Funnily enough I have a new mobile phone and as soon as I turn it on in the morning it tells me to walk some steps, it's almost like my phone is nagging me lol. ;)

I totally agree, I cannot believe the people that put when they are going on holiday on Facebook and share their snaps, loads of the friends I have on Facebook do that, it's so daft and I'm talking about intelligent people here i.e. solicitors etc. I put my holiday photos on Facebook but not until I'm back in my home.

Oh yes, what happens when the WiFi goes down lol ;)

Well that's my cynical hat that I think I've been wearing too long lol.

Alicia :)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I don’t like it when some people say they can’t live without their mobile phone.

Technology can be addictive just like refined sugar. The less refined sugar you eat, you gradually lose the addiction.,similar with tech.

People who tell you when they go on holiday are basically telling robbers that the house is a free-for-all. I don’t understand it.

People can be so silly.

in reply to Matt2584

We can indeed Matt 😊

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I’ve done a lot of silly things in the past but I would not go as far as advertising to my so called “friends list” that I am not at home.

I think a lot of people these days are digging their own graves and I’m not just referring to silly acts on social media here.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I agree Alicia, technology can only go so far.

If technology keeps advancing it could be the end of humanity.... wait, that sounds just like the plot of a movie.

in reply to Matt2584

It certainly can. I miss being able to walk in a shop and buy what I need without having to go online. We need the hustle and bustle of town centres back.

There's a lot of articles now talking about AI!😯

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I can understand people who can’t get out so easily ordering online and I order online because I can’t get out so easily :)... ok, easier than some others but I think you know what I mean.

I can’t exactly fo to a shop and buy 10 cartons of organic oat milk but I can online.

When it comes to ordering online I try to order in bulk.

But this is just it, you have so many foods that have been tainted with things that shouldn’t be there and health plummets (which would explain some disabilities) that people have to rely on online ordering which means using earth’s resources for packaging and adding plastic to landfills/the ocean.

You can’t really win. Whatever you do your somehow buggering up the earth or your very own health.

That’s my thoughts anyhow.

in reply to Matt2584

Just a short reply but I totally agree with what you've said.👍

in reply to Matt2584

Well said Matt. 👍

Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Personalised nutrition via smart watches sounds interesting, and doesn't surprise me that they're looking at the expanded potential of these. Will be interesting to see what happens.

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Absolutely Zest a nice little earner...😊

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to Zest

I think these will dumb down the public even further.

Well, people must be somewhat dumb to go and notify their friends on social media when they go on holidays.

I would not be surprised at all if these devices make you eat the wrong things and lead to poor health which means spending money on pharmaceutical drugs when you could save your money and prevent health problems by consuming the right things and even better, don’t listen or even purchase one of these smart devices :).

in reply to Matt2584

Do you know Matt when people have their houses featured in certain home magazines they are twice as likely to be burgled afterwards...

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I didn’t really know but that doesn’t surprise me.

Me and my family try to be a bit more private.

As my mum says, she likes to live in her own little bubble.

BlueSky125 profile image

"Nestlé, the world's largest food company, has identified personalised nutrition as a major growth opportunity and has made a number of investments in the space," said Eden

So nestle is going to be telling people what to eat. I’ll save everyone a lot of time & money, don’t eat anything made by nestle.

in reply to BlueSky125

Hey BlueSky125 I like your thinking and have to agree. 😊

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to BlueSky125

Nestlé are a horrible corporation.

Matt2584 profile image

I don’t think you are being a cynic, Jerry.

I think you may be quite right in what you say.

I don’t trust any of these ‘smart’ devices at all.

You got smart phones, smart meters, smart cars, smart tvs... smart, smart, smart and they are smart for a reason.

Are they smart in the way that they make an individual’s life more convenient or are they smart in the way that all of these devices are connected?

You be the judge of that.

I lean to them being connected and spying.


in reply to Matt2584

Matt we are self reporting our smart devices have sat nav tracking so where we are are is now computerised, our sat nav's in cars could report us for speeding with a minor tweak.

So we don't need big brother watching us we are doing a better job with our smart devices.

On the bright side my smart phone is smarter than me...😱

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

We might not need big brother to watch us, but we have it anyway.

Big brother. A channel 4 reality tv show where people are being watched to apparently ‘entertain’ the viewers.

Sounds very similar to real life.

We are being watched 24/7.... but who are the viewers?

CIA maybe.

in reply to Matt2584

Hi Matt, if you have a store card the shop knows exactly what you buy and when so they can then target you for special offers and promotions that will be of interest to you. If you stream music there's a list of what you've listened to and when it's endless the information we reveal these days.

I think that the CIA have better things to do than watch fickle shoppers as terrorism has become a real problem and I'd rather be watched in certain high risk areas if that helps make life safer for everyone.

SenateurDupont profile image

That would be a big no for me! The last thing I want to share with a company is MY genetics!

I have really hard times understanding people sending their ADN to a company like to know that they are 2%irish, 3% african, 30% English and 65% french.

And relying on those so called "smart machines" for your diet? People tend to forget that the word "smart" comes from the humans behind them.

Also, this would make generations of people not questionning what they eat. You rely on a "smart" gadget? I am not against technology, however I do think that this kind of application of technology will make a lot of intellectually lazy people.

in reply to SenateurDupont

This is quite right it's making technology work for us and not against us...

A very good response here Hidden as what we really want is to get in tune with our body clocks and our bodies real needs. Rather than relying on Alerts from a smart device...

Not what you're looking for?

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