Exercise outdoors is so much better than indoors - Health Walk

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Exercise outdoors is so much better than indoors

11 Replies

I started my power walk in a light fleece and T-shirt and after walking up a very steep hill too the fleece off, let's just say one minute I was quite warm after walking up hills and then I was quite cool when walking on the flat/downhill but decided to keep the fleece off. Really strange as when I got back home just before lunch my right hand was numb and it took quite a while to get the feeling back. I've noticed a breeze whilst out today.

It's nearing the end of January now, only one month left of Winter and then it's the Spring, my favourite time of year.

Alicia :)

11 Replies

It looks like you had a great walk and you have to be careful as the freeze obviously affected your wrist I'm glad that it's OK now. I love the snow drops and am looking forward to seeing my first ones of the year.

I agree that it's the last week of January then we have Feb the shortest month before it's Spring...And we need some warm dry weather as the land is far too wet.

A great collage and your enthusiasm is contagious. 😊

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It was a very good walk thank you Jerry, invigorating. My wrist is absolutely fine now, it just got very cold. I love snow drops and they've been out here in some places for about 2 weeks now, so early.

Yes February is a lovely short month and cannot wait to Spring, my mum was always a Spring/Summer person, I'm so like her. Yes we do need dry weather, the ground is saturated.

Thank you Jerry. I feel so much better now and have the energy which is great. :)

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There's lots of mud around where we live due to the soggy weather recently!

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There is where I am so I have been walking along the country roads.

Zest profile image

Hi Alicia,

Wow, that's another great collage and very impressive step-count. I think it sounds like you got a bit too cold though, so I hope that you will be ok, and wrap up safely for the next time.

I agree with Hidden that your enthusiasm is contagious. I've had a more relaxed day today - my step-count is just 7,593.

Not long to go before Spring, but hopefully we'll have some pleasant days before then to enjoy as well. :-)

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Zest

Thank you, it was a very good walk but yes was definitely very cold. I'm fine thank you and thank you for asking, I appreciate it.

I'm glad you've had a more relaxed day, you've walked an impressive amount of steps lately so well done.

Yes I do hope we get some good days, we need dry days for sure.


Agoodenough profile image

Beautiful collage. We have had our fair share of rain this winter. Some more cold dry sunny days would be good. You’ll be pleased when the winter is over 😁

in reply to Agoodenough

Thank you Ali.

We sure have had our fair share of rain and yes would love some dry, sunny days.

Oh yes, I'll be very pleased when Wintwr is over and longer days.


Today I broke up the day of job hunting with a walk round the neighbourhood and the smaller parks which I really enjoyed as I felt a lot better after I had been outside the flat and got some fresh air.

I prefer outdoor exercise myself and went the other day when it was icy and also during heavy rain and one day I was literally swimming into Asdas in Cardiff Bay due to the heavy rain and hail last Friday.

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Oh I love walking through parks I don't like London but what I do love are the parks.

It's so much better being outdoors, I have to say I dont walk in heavy rain.

Skipping is very good as an exercise. I love the fresh air. I have some weights but only fairly light ones I do really need to use them to build up some strength.

I take food grade multivitamins.

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