Has anybody after a TBI resorted to drugs for depr... - Headway


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Has anybody after a TBI resorted to drugs for depression. Not over the counter drugs?

suestanton profile image
14 Replies
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suestanton profile image
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14 Replies
bikerlifestyle profile image

yes, i am currently on trazadone, and whilst the help with my general mood, they haven't had any noticeable effect on my head injury, i cant remember the name of the other ones i have tried, but have tried 5 different ones now.

hope that helps

ohh do you mean recreational drugs

in that case no i have no experience with them

cat3 profile image

sue....it isn't clear whether you mean prescription or recreational drugs.

If it's prescription I can give you details.

Regards, cat.

suestanton profile image
suestanton in reply to cat3

No I mean Cocaine. My Son had a TBI in Oct 2011. I have recently found out he is taking cocaine and has been for three months. His case manager and work colleagues have noticed a difference as well. I did manage to get him to the Doctors last night and he did tell the Doctor (at least that is a start), but if he doesnt sort himself out he will end up losing his job (he is just completing a HGV Technician apprenticeship). His case manager is going to try and sort some councilling out for him now.

bikerlifestyle profile image
bikerlifestyle in reply to suestanton

well the fact he has opened up and been honest about it is a good start, i really hope you manage to get this sorted

leeleeleelee profile image

i would say that canabis will and does alter your state of mind

i would not recamend this to a person of the head injured state

recreational drugs are very strong these days

young kids are going of there heads

depression is an altered state of mind

find the problem thats making you deppresed

adress that thing

see what comes

try acupuncture this also alters your mind and body

in a better way

be good feel good

stay responsable

drinking smoking drinking smoking

i find it a bit crap that all the things we want

hurt the most

leeleeleelee profile image
leeleeleelee in reply to leeleeleelee

kids eh

they get to that age

and you carnt stop em

what age is that oh yea 18

sorry lass carnt stop free will

even when it affects every body else


i thourght you was asking for you

but now think it was for someone else

bikerlifestyle profile image

Sue after reading what you posted on the other thread, i thought i would answer this here as it seems more appropriate

whilst i have no personal experience of recreational drugs, i do take a lot of prescribed medication and know all to well the side effects these can have,

i am guessing that recreational drugs are going to have a detrimental effect on him, as the the fact that these meds provide an altered state of mind, and whilst a non brain injured person can reasonably expect them to affect them in a certain way, the uncertainty of a brain injury adds a whole new dimension, on the one hand they could affect him less. but on the other hand it could make things worse.

are we talking about cannabis here or is it something stronger?

either way, i think you are right seeking medical advice and hope you managed to get him to the doctor.

we can only guess here what would happen here, and to be honest that's not good enough to help you.

if your GP cant help, then does you son see a specialist about his brain injury? then approaching him might be the better solution

also contact Headway on 0808 800 2244 or email them helpline@headway.org.uk

is it worth pointing your son towards this group as well, as knowing others are in the same boat helps a lot.

suestanton profile image
suestanton in reply to bikerlifestyle

Thank you. Replied above.

ncmurphy1951 profile image

scary question i did once or twice get depressed but despite a few toe rags suggesting drink or a joint i saw gp who prescribed happy pills and a few sessions with a councellor sorted out quickly now i am able to joke about it happy pills etc

I didn't do drugs but I'd happily drink alcohol to excess. It just made matters worse to be totally honest. Regarding the drugs I was prescribed, I stopped taking them two years after my accident [occurred 1967].

Well, 46 years on I'm doing ok

Leave alcohol and illegal drugs alone....you know it makes sense.

spartan300 profile image

when i had my brain injury i was given many drugs none worked only made me more ill,then i had idiots telling me to try cannibas and other drugs i said no my brain and body has had enough trauma and stress ,i improved my diet but was still ill,the only thing that works for me is sunshine i know i have said this many times, a good partner and good friends also helps, i have in thailand,good food friends weather and a thai wife,result, less stress happy feel good,not all the time but a vast improvement in my life, so keep of drugs as much as you can please,try to find the things that you like and make you feel good the better you feel the better you will be it has taken me over 6 years to get this far, as for alcohol a little is ok well for me it is , my thai wife does not like me having more than two beers so for most of the time i dont,take care lots of love ,john.xxx

misswingit profile image

Got an email address sue? Would like to answer privately.. No worrys if you've heard what you wanted to. Charlie x

headwayuk profile image
headwayukPartnerHeadway in reply to misswingit


I had to remove the post with a personal email address included - it's our policy to do this, to protect our members' privacy on the public forum. Can I ask you to use the private messaging feature on here instead? Just click a username and then the 'Send a message' option on the left.

Best wishes,


If you mean antidepresants yes, I take Cipralex. Now we've got the dose right the chronic anxiety & depresion I was left with after an ICH is 90% controlled I would recommend giving this type of drug a try. If you mean recreational I'm sorry I've got no experience but I would be terrified that they woudl destabilise the bit of stability I've fought for for 16 years. As my brain is damaged I wouldn't risk the possibility of damaging it further.

Hope you find a solution.

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