I suffer light headed ness almost every day, and when driving I sometime have a rush as if though on a roller coaster, is this a normal side affect ??
Is vertigo a common problem with people who have a... - Headway
Is vertigo a common problem with people who have a brain injury.
well it's been normal for me for the past 5+ years, although it does get better. Try going on a cruise it seems to sort itself out while on choppy sea's and you get the pleasure of watching everyone stagger around telling you how giddy they feel. I felt a wicked sense of pleasure knowing now everyone felt the same as me
This is normal for many. I am better now when drivin, but still get the head rush at times. For a long while after the injury, I did not have passengers due to this. It was like it took most my concentration. I think it is like too much info and the brain gets on alert or fogged to process. Something like that in non - med terms
Hi - well I felt dizzy and super-sensitive to moving visual stimulus. I eventually went to see a behavioural optometrist and discovered that actually there is a kind of central processing unit in the middle of your brain for visual information that links it to other processing and this gets shaken up on impact. It can lead to confusion in how you respond to peripheral vision; that is your brain starts responding to what is in your peripheral vision as if it was in your focused vision. This can cause disorientation, dizziness - not sure about vertigo..... I had to wear glasses with black tape at the sides for about 6 months.I still feel more comfortable driving in them even now. I also had light therapy which helped enormously. The optic nerve is huge and gets interconnected with your parasympathetic and sympathetic responses further back in the brain I think. Happy to give you name of guy who helped me!
Hi Onceaborderer after my accident i was told i had postconcussional syndrome, have also been told i have problems with spatial awareness, and postural virtigo so guess it's all part of my normal? have learnt the hard way and now only go out on good days.
I dont get the roller coaster thing and yes i am still driving an automatic car now
Best Wishes