My husband was admitted to ITU in December 22 with flu pneumonia and sepsis was on oxygen therapy but unfortunately in January 23 he suffered a heart attack due to lack of oxygen don’t really understand how this happened but he was unconscious for 15 minutes and it has left him with a brain injury. He is still in hospital 13 weeks later awaiting a place to come available in neuro rehab but have been told by the consultant that by the time a place becomes available he may be “too well”. He is improving mentally, though slowly, remembering more each day but is having difficulty walking He is getting very sporadic physio in hospital, his legs are very twitchy and uncomfortable. I desperately want to help to get him walking any advice on exercises I can try when the physios don’t come. They won’t let me get him out of bed and he finds when he sits in a chair his legs start twitching more.
hypoxic brain injury: My husband was admitted to ITU... - Headway
hypoxic brain injury
I am very sorry to hear about your husband's experience. It sounds as if he has a hypoxic brain injury post cardiac arrest, but it's positive that he is making improvements. His muscles will be deconditioned after being in ITU, and he will need to build up his stamina. It's not clear if his walking problems are due to brain injury, or the weaker muscles after being in ITU.Can you ask his medical team to explain what happened, and the rehab plan on the ward to you? Ask them to write it down, as it's often hard to take everything in when you're in shock and in such a stressful situation.
If this doesn't work, ask PALS to help you get the information you need, so that you can plan for his discharge and the future, appropriately. Often it's hard to know how much someone will improve, at this stage, though, so they may not have definitive information.
Wishing you and your husband all the best in his recovery. Xx
Thanks so much for your reply a worrying time but sure we’ll get through it. He does have muscle weakness but slowly improving the strange thing is just last week he could stand and walk a little way with help but now his legs are twitching so much he can’t even stand. He really needs more physio than he’s getting, just a couple of times a week very frustrating but lack of hospital physios. Slowly but surely he’s improving
Hello So sorry to hear about your husband's situation. I'm not sure how I can help as I had a stroke and heart attack 29 years ago when treatment was very different. However I did have to learn to walk again ( and lost the use of my left arm too) so I know how hard all this is. If he is able to move his legs at all indepenently I would say do that as often as he can as that will keep the circulation going and help prevent muscle wastage. Keeping your spirits up in this sort of situation can also be extremely challenging too. He will need determination to keep on top of this but every little bit helps. I came through the darkest and most challenging of times so know that it is worth the determination and very hard work as learning to walk again is tough but definitely not insurmountable. I learnt all over again after a hip replacement two years ago which was also pretty hard going when already disabled. Tell him not to give up. I will be very hard work but it will be worth it. As mentioned below by ABIfamily building up stamina is also important and getting physios and care workers to write things down is really important as it is hard to concentrate and remember things when going through such traumatic events. He should believe in himself that he will walk again and become the person he was before. It is tough but never give up hope. I wish you both all the best and let me know if I can help any further. All good wishes to you both.
Thank you for your reply and positivity he is desperate to walk again and very determined to do so. Needs a lot more physio that he is getting in hospital but I have downloaded some exercises for us to try when I visit him. As you recommended I will start writing things down as it’s hard to keep on top of everything that’s said. All the best