so got up tues morning,no tv...was fine before.did obvious checked plug/fuse ya de ya.when i think its about 12 years so...we all get tired.had app today with local job centre my freind was taking me on account of a 3 mile trip taking me 6 hours and a taxi and £17.60 out of pocket.because i cant wait for a bus .so..he has grandkids cos school on strike i get call from job centre telling me its my lucky day(some people hadnt turned up for work)so they were calling"genuine people".who are they?...makes me wonder what would of happened if our fathers/grandfathers just never turned up?my dad taught me how to wire and change a plug,v.usefull in the 80s.i gave this simple skill to sean when he was maybe 25,he said would saved him fortune in irons..i guess there is a moral somewhere,bit lost on me now...these people that are "in charge" of this country are corrupt on every level and we are facing a situation with the worst liers.i mean if you have that much money,what are you doing?never be affected anyway....only ego/vanity player...keep kids from school,they wont mind,lets have some solidarity for the people that held this country together,as they say,"lest we forget".dont clap when you taking it back..
"TV" rant: so got up tues morning,no tv...was fine... - Headway
"TV" rant

Grrr ; 😵............don't get me started on people who ?Run? the country !
The NHS, other essential services, schools, crumbling roads and filthy streets etc., etc. are starting to resemble 3rd world conditions in once lovely areas.
------oh and folk don't come more genuine than our D ! xx
Clapping for the nurses cost nothing, so that was encouraged, but not backed up by genuine gratitude. Shameful.
Oh yes Stace ; how to bribe an understaffed, exhausted workforce into doing double shifts whilst risking their own (& family's) health throughout a pandemic ? 🤔🤔
------ of course 🤗 get the whole nation to stand at their gates and clap for them 🙄. I'll never forget the image of hypocritical BoJo clapping heartily. Hideous.
Hi D, I quite agree, it is very frightening for someone with a life limiting condition and everyone being on strike, when I had my brain bleed I was on the cold January floor for over an hour waiting for an ambulance, only when the rapid response came did they upgrade me to code red, having said all this I do support the strikes, this was 2017, and because they are so under funded , I don’t know what the answer is but they need to get it sorted, lots of love Alice xx
To be honest Alice, I don't think the NHS is underfunded. The money's just ridiculously distributed. They waste so much money it's ridiculous & how ever much the NHS is given won't be enough.
It really is like a bottomless pit that is badly mismanaged, which is bizarre considering the amount of managers there are within the NHS !!!
We strongly need a change of government, but Labour or the LibDems would, in my opinion, be even worse.