Having a partner with frontal lobe brain damage help and advice
Help with advice : Having a partner with frontal... - Headway
Help with advice

Hi Blandie. I had a frontal lobe haemorrhage 10 years ago & the after effects have been :-
Poor short term memory, balance issues, fatigue, emotional lability, difficulty walking and intolerance to noise, bright lights and crowds.
But everyone and every brain injury is unique so we all react differently. However, all my after-effects are pretty much standard especially during the1st couple of years.
Maybe you'll tell us some more about your partner's issues since his brain injury i.e. how long ago he sustained it, what treatment he's had and how he copes on a day to day basis.
See you later m'love.... Cat x
Dear Blandie12,
I have this 'Condition' myself and I absolutely Promise, to answer you soon.... but NOT at 1:35 am!
What help do you need? Life is a roller coaster there will be good days there will be bad days. Look at the Headways site and I’ve found Brainline information useful to.
Welcome Blandie, as you will find, there are many people only too willing to help in this forum. Please ask anything, nothing is too big, or too small, if it concerns you, this is the right place to ask. This is a safe, friendly forum. Many people arrive following an injury like your partner's. Often they are in a state of turmoil, entering a world they would never have chosen, with terms and phrases that are unfamiliar. There are survivers, and carer's. They will help you and your partner along the recovery journey. Headway can be contacted, contact details are pinned to this page. I wish you and your partner well 🍀
Thank you 🙏