My TBI was in June 2021 and since then I have had some strange skin problems and covid so my current worry of a constant burning smell (like a match being struck) maybe to do with covid ? Although I did not lose my sense of smell and taste until 3-4 days into the covid infection. I still have very little sense of taste and smell but it comes and goes. Last night i also had some sensations in the left hand side of my head (which is where my brain bleed took place) any suggestions ?
Burning smell: My TBI was in June 2021 and since... - Headway
Burning smell

Thank you for your reply - my TBI doesn’t sound quite as dramatic as yours - mine was a result of a fall resulting in a brain bleed and haematoma but always reassuring to hear of similar incidents. I hope you are checked out soon and they find out a reason - that would be reassuring for you.
Hi Elec, if you have concerns, please have a chat with your GP, and the rehab team. Also contact the Headway helpline, contact details are pinned to this page. 🍀
Thank you for your reply - i will discuss with my GP - we have had so many other issues (infections, covid, middle ear, tendons) that I haven’t really talked about this ! The other complication is that I live in Bedfordshire (only just) and my doctor is in Cambridgeshire ( nearest surgery to my home)I was taken to Bedford hospital A&E and remained there until discharge 2 weeks later and they have now handed me over to Cambs but we await the handover notes !!
I get the odd phantom burning smell. usually when I'm over tired. I did lose taste and smell, both are much better now. not normal but better.
I'm 3.5 years post injury. The burning smell is every couple of months. Less frequent than before. Coffee and cat food still smell like shit. Both taste and smell vastly improved.