I was wondering who else has try hyperbaric oxygen therapy. I have a appointment for my husband next week. I hear good feedback has anyone else tryed it?
Who had try hyperbaric oxygen therapy ? - Headway
Who had try hyperbaric oxygen therapy ?

I have a friend in the US that specialises in treating people with chronic fatigue syndrome. He told me a while back that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the rage in the US and that the results look good. Unfortunately I don't know much more than this but I trust him and his judgement so an interesting treatment to look into.
Hope this helps
My son has been having this for a couple of months - three times a week - and the results are amazing. It should be on the NHS but like many treatments the medical profession do not think there is any benefit. Boy are they wrong as usual.
When he left hospital after being in there for 9 months after his hypoxic brain injury they recommended discharge to a nursing home as he was not going to benefit from neuro rehab and he needed, in their opinion, continuous care one to one. They came to this decision as he was not doing too well with physio and not communicating with them - in fact he ignored them most of the time and all they wanted to do was dope him up with sedatives so much so that he was like a zombie. He only had physiotherapy for 20 minutes a day Mon to Friday which is nowhere near what he needed IN MY OPINION but that was all that was available. He ended up with contractures from sitting in a chair all day and all evening with a healthcare assistant sitting next to him to prevent him trying to get up and falling over as he had done a couple of times even whilst being watched. He was unable to transfer without a great deal of help.
We had a real struggle to get him discharge home but good old Social Services came to our rescue and said they felt he had capacity (which he did) and would be better at home than in a nursing home or hospital.
My son's partner is a saint and looks after him so well and is constantly pushing him and challenging him saying that he will get better but he needs to fight. We have been researching different types of treatments and not far from where we live is a Multiple Sclerosis Centre with a hyperbaric chamber.
The results so far:
1. he is no longer depressed
2. he can walk and his balance is improving day by day.
3. he is communicating better and although he does not talk all the time like he did before the BI he manages to speak and mime and write and no longer ignores people when they speak to him.
4. he is definitely more aware of what is happening around him and his sense of humour has returned.
5. The contractures in his hands and arms are getting better and he is able to straighten his hands and not longer require splints
There a few examples on You Tube of how this can help people with BI and the improvements it can make.
I would thoroughly recommend this and unlike America it is afforable.
I have not tried it but I have heard about it. The brain needs oxygen to heal.
There is a cheaper alternative to this therapy though, inhaling frankincense essential oil. Frankincense essential oil sends oxygen to the brain. Probably not as much as the hyperbaric therapy does. I will add that I used to suffer with fatigue especially after a session of drawing. After a few weeks of inhaling the frankincense directly from the bottle, fatigue wasn't so much of a problem.
I am still, to this day, using frankincense and don't think I will give up.
I didn't know about this part of the frankincense essential oil. I'll start inhaling it as a daily routine and see what happens. Thanks for sharing about his.
That is no problem :). I want the word to get out far and wide. I am a lot more into holistic medicine/natural treatment as opposed to modern medicine. Modern medicine is all about making money and that is all. Quite sickening really.
As I say, you can inhale it straight from the bottle or you can put a drop of it onto your hand, rub your hands together and cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe in the frankincense. I feel that works better and the scent is stronger too.
You can find out more about essential oils on various websites on the internet. Living traditionally is a good website. And be aware of what essential oils you buy. A lot of oils aren't good quality ones.
With some essential oils, you cannot or should not put them directly onto the skin as they can cause irritation. With frankincense you can use topically without having to use a carrier oil.