I have been chatting with other people on-line for around ten years now and find it an incredible support network.
Someone always seems to have a shared/similar experience and there is always someone who can help.
Over those years, I am sure like all of you, you also learn a lot about the things other people go through and one thing that comes up quite often is learning to be a parent again after brain injury.
A lot of people also worry if they have the capacity to start a new family. I know there aren't a lot of specialist resources out there but did see a Headway article about it recently.
Then, quite by chance, I found out about Dr Carol Sampson who is involved with a specialist parenting programme for parents who have brain injury. It covers adjustments. psychological issues , cognitive issues as well as parenting skills development and support. She is looking for parents to participate in a trial run of their programme and be involved in further development through feedback. Currently run virtual/ online due to Covid.
Do you know anybody who would be interested in participating? I can pass email addresses on and am happy to post mine here so you can get in touch - anneericketts@aol.com