i had brain bleed, was really doing well ... friends said i was pretty much "me" again. unfortunate concussion incident - a bit of denial but brain people have called it right/regressed quite a bit = ive done it before but just feel horribly disappointed
2nd knock advice - how to pick yourself up - Headway
2nd knock advice - how to pick yourself up
Key words.."U have done it before".I get it,as I've had tbi(cognitive damage),stroke,tias n ?4 concussions.My recent concussion was 7/4/20,was doing fine before this last one.Im overwhelmed with it all because..holy heck,here we go again BUT...Im not letting this one take me down.So..u can do this..again..surround urself with others who get what ur going thru n can help,make a plan of how to take each day,figure distraction techniques for when ur overwhelmed n frustrated.
Sending a virtual Covid free hug ur way.
definitely holy heck - here we go again....had a bit of a wake up call as lovely "brain people" identified how much really id lost in time/effort and i was hoping it would be a temporary thing. it is what it is and we have done it before.... *covid safe hugs to you too*
Hmmm. Difficult to deal with I guess. But do hold on to the fact that you have done this before.A few years ago I actually wrote down a "what if this happens again" list for myself, family and friends to help.
On it I have things like :daily planner or 20 minute activities, sleep well, exercise (yoga), puzzles, colouring books and most of all the "You have done this before" quote. 🙏
Good luck
I too am experiencing the second knock.... 11 months after the initial one so was probably back to 90% then bang..... I gave myself a month of rest etc then decided I was ok and resumed normality....... but was not normal....took lots of pain killers etc to feel ok..... 3 months of this them boom was so far backwards. Felt like it had after the first knock. Anyway then took me another month or so to actually accept what was happening and get help. Second time round for me has been much longer however I am getting there and have adopted lots more techniques for reducing symptoms - yoga, reducing refined sugar, walks(not runs), brain breaks (quiet room ten mins laying down eyes blacked out), mid day rests, and breathing through nose from stomach. Like u said knowing that it can be done because you have done it before is comforting. Remembering that recovery is not linear but in fact more like a roller coaster. After downs and hard days come much better days. It’s hard....... but things do get better. You will start to tolerate things that once made you cringe and leave a room. I’m taking amitriptyline at night 25mg and magnesium complete sleep - is helping for sleep and quietning the brain at night.and I have sleeping pills for when I have overdone it during day and need sleep. Sleep for me is a biggy if I don’t get enough symptoms seem to hammer me. Anyway you have got this. Time and patience is what it takes. Be kind to yourself 😀😀 and be thankful you are here (I remind myself this daily)😀😀😀
i identify with it all - thank you so much. i know i have done it before and can do it again - ive had a pig of the last 2 years so thinking im on right track to be back so many months i think has been the kicker. im already on citalopram as lived my life bit too dutifully work wise a few years before this all - bless kath and sally at Sheffield NHS too - keeping an ear open for me