Has anyone ever experienced a period of hypersexuality after a concussion or with post-concussion syndrome? Don't have to go into detail it just appears that the correlation for this symptom is recognised with more serious or debilatating head injuries. Yet I had a concussion and pcs and have had this symptom. It began to subside and virtually normalised after taking endep.
Concussion symptom?: Has anyone ever experienced a... - Headway
Concussion symptom?

Yes, partner experienced this but it didn't last long.

Can I ask if the injury was a concussion? I mentioned my symptom to my neurologist and felt like and felt peverse or crazy when he said I've never heard of that? When an expert doesn't know its almost like they're saying your imagining it.
No, it wasn't concussion, it was carbon monoxide poisoning. He went through many stages during recovery, one of which was the constant sexual frustration.
Hi Mereby. I tried to post the link to the headway article on this subject but it doesn't take you to a specific page...... so I've copied & pasted the relevant content.
How can brain injury affect sex? There are a number of different parts of the brain that are responsible for the skills involved in sexual activity. When these parts of the brain are injured, it can cause problems with sexual functioning and well-being.
The most common parts of the brain that are involved in sexual functioning and well-being are discussed in more detail below.
Parietal lobe Perception, spatial awareness, manipulating objects, spelling
Frontal lobe Planning, organising, emotional and behavioural control, personality, problem-solving, attention, social skills, flexible thinking and conscious movement
Temporal lobe Memory, recognising faces,generating emotions, language
Occipital lobe Vision
Broca’s area Expressing language
Wernicke’s area Understanding language
Frontal lobe This part of the brain is responsible for our behaviour and social skills. Injury to it can cause problems such as inappropriate sexual behaviour, difficulties with initiating sexual activity or difficulties with motivating oneself to engage in sexual activity.
Injury to the frontal lobe can also cause difficulties with experiencing pleasurable and sexual sensations.
Personality change can occur following an injury to the frontal lobe. This can affect the survivor’s own sexual behaviour and their sexual partner’s desire to engage in sex with them.
Problems with attention and concentration can also occur following injury to the frontal lobe. This can interfere with spontaneity, and the build-up of arousal and physical intimacy between two people.
Temporal lobe Injury to this part of the brain has been linked to an increase in sexual interest and emotions (hyperactive sexuality), although it can also result in a reduced sex drive (hypoactive sexuality).
Some people who have had temporal lobe injury have also been found to develop paraphilias.
Damage to pathways in the frontal and temporal lobes has been linked to difficulties in understanding whether someone else is interested in sexual contact, for example through body language and ‘reading’ emotions. These same difficulties can interfere with the emotional connection between romantic partners, which can affect intimacy.
The Endep is basically Amitriptyline which is used to control depression & neuro-pain amongst other conditions, but it can also curb sexual desire/performance.
To have copies of Headway booklets explaining all aspects of brain injury please phone the helpline on 0808 800 2244 (free calls - office hours) to have them sent to you. Hope this offers a little reassurance. Cat x