Hi everyone, just completed my first week back at work, well eighteen hours. I think I've coped quite well, although not completing everything on my own. My brain appears to be on a go slow and can't seem to get it to move quicker. Unless I can get it moving I think I will have to revert back to a carer, which more physical less taxing on the brain. I'm going to try a care shift next week to see how that feels, I've always enjoyed doing care in the past, but know it's going to be tiring. Alice xx
Brain fuddled: Hi everyone, just completed my first... - Headway
Brain fuddled

Give yourself a pat on the back for doing so well this week!! Don't try to make snap decisions just yet....in my experience its best to let yourself relax now and aim to do the same number of hours next week and for several weeks thereafter...don't need to increase hours every week. I increased by 3 hours every couple of months.
Keep calm and carry on !! ☺
Hi Alice,
Congratulations on your return to work and well done on managing a decent number of hours! I've just begun a phased return too and I'm currently on 12 hours a week (4 hours on 3 days). I was very surprised by how mentally fatigued it was to concentrate for a prolonged length of time again.
In light of that I've tried to make sure I have a day between each working day where I can recuperate.
Don't be too hard on yourself, it sounds like you've made great progress!
I also work in, care, TBI here a few years ago, I do office and care work.
I started back at 2hrs a week, and worked back to 30hrs/4 days a week. it really is suck it and see for myself it took time to adjust back as you where.
Give it time. I am sure that when you first started doing the job you found it tiring until you really got to know the ropes. You need time to adjust. Don't change anything yet.
Hi Alice, most people returning to work after a break can struggle, let alone someone who's returning after surgery. You started off by saying you thought you'd coped quite well 😊 hope this week goes well and sounds like you have another option in care work, main thing I'm hearing is that you've always enjoyed this kind of work too. Don't make any rash decisions though, but equally make sure you're in a job that you enjoy doing and getting up for x