Petition PIP: Treat people with mental health issues... - Headway


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Petition PIP

barny1 profile image
14 Replies

Treat people with mental health issues fairly under PIP

To Members of Parliament and Lords

Petition text

Anyone who needs financial support to live with dignity should get it, whether they suffer from physical or mental health problems.

Don’t change the rules on Personal Independence Payments (PIP).

Why is this important?

The government’s changing the rules so that people with mental health problems can’t get an essential financial support called Personal Independence Payment (PIP). This is money that helps people pay for carers or therapy sessions. In other words, money needed to live with dignity.

Can you join 38 Degrees members by signing this petition to the government asking them to ensure mental health issues are covered under PIP?

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barny1 profile image
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14 Replies
sospan profile image

The comments from successive Conservative governments have been shocking.

The comments from the current government minister "DLA is for people whom are really disabled not people whom stay at home and pop pills" was truly outrageous and contemptible - his justification because he suffered anxiety as a child and knows what it is like ......

Grapple5 profile image

Signed 👍🏻

cat3 profile image

Hmm, something went wrong. The techies have been notified.


Just get the above message each time I use the link Barny. I presume it's an issue with my system.

barny1 profile image
barny1 in reply to cat3

I can't access it either, check here and click 'sign petition' if/when it comes back.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to barny1

Thanks Barny : I've signed. I'd forgotten I'm a member from many years ago.

This government wouldn't have been out of place in Nazi Germany.

barny1 profile image
barny1 in reply to cat3

And they were all about additional support for mental health...

steve55 profile image

barney im sure if you look at the criteria to build the neccessary points, there must be a way......

barny1 profile image

The benefits and work have given the following info on changes to the PIP mobility component which had taken into account psychological factors, but the DWP appear to be trying to crackdown on this if my understanding is correct. If you obtain the PIP mobility component currently you may lose out when your claim comes to review. No doubt those with TBI, stroke or other brain injuries could be affected.

"Changes to the PIP mobility component are due to come into force on 16 March, in spite of widespread opposition.

The DWP have said that people who may be affected by this change in the law are those with conditions including:

Learning disabilities



Anxiety disorders

Cognitive disorder due to a stroke


Depressive disorders

Post-traumatic stress disorder Phobias

Obsessive compulsive disorder

In our latest update on the changes, we have news of a 38 Degrees petition against the new regulations, an Early Day Motion seeking to overturn them and the response of the Social Security Advisory Committee (SSAC).

SSAC make it clear that they do not accept the argument that no existing claimants will be affected by the changes.

They point out that some claimants may have been awarded the mobility component on the basis of Upper Tribunal decisions that found in favour of taking psychological distress into account for descriptors where it was not specifically included. This would be descriptors c, d and f of the ‘Planning and following journeys’ activity

As a result, these claimants may lose out in the future when their award is reviewed.

Though, as SSAC also point out, where people have lots of difficulties with following a journey, trying to disentangle psychological distress from other factors is likely to be very difficult and lead to inconsistent decision making."

steve55 profile image
steve55 in reply to barny1

barny1 this is the unfair thing, there are some who have been receiving very generous dla payouts for years because they are either too lazy to go back to work or play the system.

someone i know, gets top whack dla mobilty allowance,blue badge and bus pass,oh and a letter from the doctor so he can get transport to hospital appointments because he cant use buses........he does use a bus, goes into town orders his shopping walks to the cafe has his breakfast and walks back to the bus stop or go for a wander around town.........

Julesgettingthere profile image
Julesgettingthere in reply to barny1

Hello Barney, Jules here.

Just dropped in to say: , trying to disentangle psychological distress from other factors like Tbi/Bi is a challenge for the doctors trained in the subjects, so how will a PIP Assessor be able to decide ?

Its very sad - hey, unless the assessors are trained doctors in that line of work.


Matt2584 profile image

I've already signed this petition but I signed it again anyway.

Things like this is why I despise the government. They basically scrape the barrel to gain money (material, in other words).

I know some people will totally disagree and will likely refer to what the media say but I do not read into all that mumbo jumbo but I would probably prefer to carry on with life without a governmet, as far as I see it we don't need a government to live and never really have.

Not only do I have more faith in nature but I am more of a free thinker too and I won't let a bunch of extremely greedy people do the thinking for me.

barny1 profile image
barny1 in reply to Matt2584

They're milking the system for all it's worth, taking money from people who have disability that prevents them from leading a normal life where they can earn their keep, all to help pay off a debt created by rich bankers in 2008, whom I'm fairly confident aren't claiming benefits in order to live.

You're right we don't need a government in order to live, but it would be total anarchy if there wasn't one, we depend on them whether we like it or not.

Hello Barney, Jules here

I for some reason didnt have a problem with my IP review (this time anyway) but would really like to add my name in support - but i dont understand what it is i have to do next. Please tell me.

Hope you are OK ish Barney

Kind regards



barny1 profile image
barny1 in reply to Julesgettingthere

Hi's very easy just click here and if you're not already a member you need to add your name (real or not), email and postcode and a comment if you wish, then click 'sign the petition' and you're done.

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