Ŵhat a difference a day makes! 23/6/2016. 10 step... - Headway


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Ŵhat a difference a day makes! 23/6/2016. 10 steps fwd - 50 back, not for UK, for me!

SAMBS profile image
14 Replies

I thought I was getting my life sorted 3+ yrs on from Aneurysm, brain Haemorrhage, short lived coma, 3 house moves, driving and still Independant! My mind was still intact - even if brain wasn't quite! Most effects seem to have been physical as in balance, vision, hearing, numbness in 1 finger onlŷ. In fact the first 12 months seemed a doddle, 2nd yr my French language improved enourmouslŷ, I fitted in to this community almost as well as the one I'd left after 45 yr marriage split and BI.

That was then - this is now and sooooo much water has passed under the bridge since,

Proven health research that my doctor and 2 Consultants here ignore, all I need are the correct blood tests which will confirm. I paid 4 one done privatelŷ, confirms I am TB autoimmune. Also Hashimoto's (Thyroid) is an autoimmune condition. Bad current housing conditions, poor appetite- cooking facilities won't work properly. No transport, public or private. Yes that river runs long and fast under the bridge.

None of above mattered, I was coping alone, managed to get Frenchstate Social help here to an extent. Still no medical practical help though, cos I refused to keep taking wrong meds (checked out on drugs.com). I felt better off the meds than on them.

Then 23/6/2015 arrived - even worse 24/6 - result BREXIT! Noŵ if you live in the UK it may or may not affect you - it seems it's going to one way or another - it's Definitelŷ going to affect me because I'm an expat!

let me Explain! I'm not a European Citizen now, I'm a born and bred United Kingdom patriotic one, I'm an "immigrant" who had lived in France since 2008, using their facilities and resources. I reached my retirement age of 60, while still living in the UK, so yes all taxes and NI Conts were worked for and paid up there!

I haven't taken French dual Nationality here, I didint want to, it also takes up to 5 yrs apparently. I'm now totally dependant, except for my UK State Pension, on the French systems, thanks to what they call the Bi-lateral Agreements. I've already lost the WFA, my pension increases will now be frozen after last one received in April this year.

So has 23/6 changed my life! You bet it has!

Health and Stress know no borders - but Politics do! I'd be treated as an immigrant, even if I had somewhere in UK to return to, to get better medical recognition and treatment.

Those of you still in the UK, have no idea of the emotional/neural/mental effects on retired UK expats with related health problems, of just hearing the result of the Referendum on 24th June 2016. We have NO information coming from our EU countries of residence leaders, as to our potential status where we now live.

But then the Governments don't care either - it's all about Political Solutions and grand Gestures!

I'm sorry, my Headway friends, to have offloaded like this on here, but I DO know you will understand better than my thyroid, or other communities, what effects extra STRESS has on those ŵith Brain Injuries, because the prospect of being stateless is not appealing! V

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SAMBS profile image
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14 Replies
moo196 profile image

One of the many reasons I voted to remain....hope things pan out one way or another . X

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to moo196

I postal voted to remain also!

angelite profile image

Hi Sambs,

'Flying by the seat of our pants' seems to best sum up the upheavals at the moment. I feel that there was a lot of misinformation around at the time and not enough facts to make a properly balanced choice. Perfectly understandable that this uncertainty is affecting you. I sincerely hope that neither us nor Europe would seek to uproot already settled immigrants - it would cause so much misery. x

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to angelite

I agree with you Angelite, in hoping it doesn't affect EU Nationals in UK, all the UK Politicians keep saying it won't affect those already there. My post was written more out of stress, because I'm one of thousands of UK Nationals living in EU with health problems, and I'm not seeing anyone either side of the channel, caring much about us, till this morning!

On UK TV, they seem to care more about immigrants rights than their own compatriots many of whose own families still live in the UK. Yes we are also in Limbo.

I wasn't making big political statements, but we know how bad stress is for us all and our health. That's the point I was trying to get over for myself. I hope final consequences don't affect anyone's ESA over there. Thanks for support. S x

sospan profile image

I don't know how much of the campaign speeches you managed to follow but the problem was it wasn't so much mis-information but lack of information. Neither side actually said if we win this is what we will do or what the next steps are.

Anyway by the time we leave and things start to affect you will have won the lottery moved to Niece, have pack of lithe, tanned young men doting on you.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to sospan

Hi .sospan, yes I did follow all via radio and Sat TV, don't have UK papers here with glaring front page headline at me thank goodness. Now I see Farage has resigned, perhaps my MP will end up as Leader or not. D Carswell impressed me with how he handled himself. My vote was a self interest one trying to protect my pension rights.

How I wish I could win the lottery, don't we all :-) ? I'd buy a penthouse flat overlooking the Thames and near the big Hospitals so I could get proper treatment and correct diagnosis!

I'd get as far away as possible from damp countryside and damp housing. Not looking for another man, got enough problems and stress without adding more :-) and I'd Donate lots to Health and animal charities in hopes of doing some good :-).

Yes you're right about timing of UK leaving EU. Nothing's going to happen that fast. At least someone on Daily Politics today talked about Expats, I've recorded it so can listen again at my leisure! Thanks for your reply.

sospan profile image
sospan in reply to SAMBS

Very few politicians came over that well doing the election or afterwards. Gove came across briefly as quite good but then lost it post decision back and has gone back to the days when he was minister for education - and he still can't shake this off uk.pinterest.com/pin/289778...

Even Nicola Sturgeon the Scottish PM whom I always thought was calm and collected came over as hysterical after the result. As one leave campaigner pointed out Scotland doesn't even know what the deal is yet they are now demanding more elections and want to join the EU separately.

And today in Wales we had reports encouraging people to apply for EU funding before the money runs out - so we will have more waste from half brained schemes starting up and not having the funding to continue.

And the biggest issue that is being kept quiet is Northern Ireland ! If Scotland want out of the UK, then the argument over why NI should remain will really get problematic. If they don't leave then we will have to enforce the border between the north and south which is going to be really difficult

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to sospan

Hi Sos, I Heard Martin Mc'Guiness or Jerry ? Say .Sinn Fein dont want à border between them, possibly in hopes of an eventual long term reconciliation for all of Ireland, not just the North or Eire (the south) which is see is often referred to as ROI now - Republic of Ireland. My oh's ancestors and paternal family came from Eire way back when, after they left Wales in 16c. That's why I always call it Eire now.

However I do hope peace continues to reign solid in NI. As religious differences diminish slowly perhaps the 2 halves will reunite! But then there the Q of the EU, which Eire won't leave, not yet anyway!

All above though does not currently help relieve stress anywhere, particularly those with compromised immune systems. That being my main proven link to cause of my B I.

steve55 profile image

sambs cant you apply for citizenship before article 50 is activated

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to steve55

Hi Steve, no Dual Natioanilty, which I don't want,takes a while to complete and gain according to my enquiries via local Mayor and expat websites (Survive France Network) with other much bette ininformed and experienced expats than me have confirmed!

I can't even apply again yet for a Carte de Sejour. "Residence permit" done through the Maire - they were told a few months ago not to accept any requests. When I first arrived in France 2008, my 1st local Mayor said they weren't even necessary immediatelŷ, and again on 2nd application was told we didn't need them. We are ALL EU citizens! ha .ha, fat lot of good that sentiment does me here and now!

However my more immediate problems with living in this house are overtaking all Brexit repercussions. I'll PM you, if not tonight, it's 11.50 here now , tomorrow. I'm knackeredBut want to finish watching Newsnight on BBC 2. Keep well, and thanks for your interest, as I know you are a Francophile 😀s x

Iwona084 profile image
Iwona084 in reply to SAMBS

Hi, im really sorry all this madness is happening but I managed to see the bright side. The ridicolous leaders of the mess are gone. That is the first thing to notice; there is no "brave" one so far to lead the madness. Thats good. Second the art 50 was not triggered and experts suspects that it will not be triggered this year so no changes so far. Then the government would need to agree on something as the referendum has not legal obligation. And then, there is Queen who will have to sign it! I cannot say how people feel in the Uk but the rest of Europe is waiting. We are not dependant on Uk. They need immigranta more than the immigrants needs them and for this reason I do not beleive the actual brexit will happen at all. In worst case scenario, i heard there are some countries who will offer citizenship to british who want to remain part of european community ( let me remind, it has been developed after second world war as a sign of solidarity and brotherhood). Im not sure about France ( you will need to wait and see who wins the voting there), but Germany, Netherlands and Sweden have made a point on that. Do not worry Sambs, not till this is really official. Right now, it is nothing more than the democratic right of some people to show they are not happy. This does not change anything, not anytime soon. Take care Sambs and do not worry to much. Xxx Iwona

Ps: which part of france you are in?

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Iwona084

hi Iwona 84, the Sarthe, W of Paris. Not sure I agree with your prognosis, stress still affects health. Whatever the reason., my fathers Death .cert 18 years ago in Scotland, said Stress related and named 3 conditions. Given I have 2 of the 3 now, the 3rd being the 1st health condition I had as a baby, only God knows if it was neuropathic or emotional stress!

I have my own theories on that.

Iwona084 profile image
Iwona084 in reply to SAMBS

Stress affects health, of course. But is there really point to worry about something so unsure like "brexit"? If you really cannot do anything about citizenship, maybe the best things is just to wait and see. Dont let this affect your health. I have similar worries, becasue I wanted to move to my husband who is living in the UK ten yrs now. But really, I cannot imagine being there right now and this is really stressfull because we are not together. I understand you. Just feel, we cant do anything about that. Hope you will find peace.

SAMBS profile image
SAMBS in reply to Iwona084

No I don't t let stress get me down for too long. Too much to concentrate on, at present, tennis, football and la tour de france:-). Plus a couple of other non health related issues.

I don't want Citizenship here, Carte Sejour will suit me if I get it. But French admin takes forever anyway, so I'll just keep looking after my health. As you say wait and see! Your situation sounds as if it's more traumatic, if your husband alreadŷ in UK alreadŷ and you can't join him, that makes things more difficult. I left mine by choice after 45+ years of marriage, but at least he and I are both in same country here and better off apart. You look after yourself also.

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