Hi All,
Just wondered if this has happened to anyone on the forum here.
I have written a few posts on memory loss and memory problems not that my memory is the best in the world but Iv been having problems with remembering long term stuff that I could remember before Bi but now can't.
Anyway I was watching Back to the Future yesterday afternoon, I caught the end of it as my kids were watching it and I remembered the script as it was happening, (sorry watched the film over and over when it first came out in the 80s, sad I know) I remembered items as they were happening and could remember what happened and was giving a running commentary on the actions and saying what was about to be said. Weird I know but does this mean my long term memory is improving?
In my posts others have kindly replied and said things can happen to trigger members recall and Im sure this was one of those occasions. May more of these happen.
Have a fantastic Sunday all. XX N