Hi All, my 1st post and i'm desperatly looking for answers. I was in a coma for 2 days after falling from a gate. About a week after laying in a hospital bed I decided to discharge myself after feeling uncomfortable
in hospital. It wasn't until I got home I realised I had double vision, although I had other memory issues and insomnia I just wanted to fix my eyes and get back to work.
After having an operation to sort the double vision I was visitng the doctor again with fatigue due to insomnia. Although I indicated the sleep problems became chronic post injury I was sent on my way with Anti depressants (amitriptyline). As my bloods where fine and the MRI after the accident was fine my TBI wasn't related to the Insomnia. I had no aftercare which was maybe partly my own fault for discharging myself originally, but should you be allowed to discharge yourself from hospital after TBI?? (Could say mind may have not been in the right place).
As the Amitriptyline just made me feel weird and confussed I went back to the Doc as I needed something stronger to sleep. For the last 10+ years I've been struggling by in life with Zolpiclone only taking them every now and again when no sleep was sabotaging my work/social efforts completely. I made a box of 28 last 3 months but on holiday my sleep was so bad even two pills (3.75each) wouldnt put me to sleep.
Due to Zopiclone not being that affective i've tried other therapies inc hypnotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology you name it i've probably tried it with no joy...
I also struggle with chronic fatigue which has been getting worse over the years, I always put this down to not being able to sleep which i've been trying to live with all these years. With the fatigue sometimes I will have to hold my partners hand for all the wrong reasons. This is simply because I feel off balance as if I may clapse, I quite often have to lean on friends or surfaces in queues which is embarrassing and frustrating.
To look at me i'm fine but inside my head i'm struggling to cope, in the evenings I struggle; to sit without neck support, have a conversation and even watch TV too late. Hangovers from nights out are like death and holidays are no longer as enjoyable. Every morning I feel like I wake up with 50% battery life and depending on my physical and mental activity during that day depends on how fast I feel mentally ill.
Advice please, I've now referred myself to Headway as my doctor gives me the impression he's not interested and counts me down when I visit him. Headway are still yet to call me for a consultation.
Do my symptoms suggest that i've been suffering with my TBI all these years?
If so any tips on medication/techniques to get some sleep?
Thanks in advance