Libido: I had my tbi frontal and occipital lobe... - Headway


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musgrave profile image
23 Replies

I had my tbi frontal and occipital lobe damage

2 and a half years ago. Since this my libido and function has virtually disappeared, wondering if anyone else had this problem.

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musgrave profile image
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23 Replies
steve55 profile image


musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to steve55

I also have less hair on body not interested in relations and before tbi the very opposite. Cant see any improvement in this area

razyheath43 profile image
razyheath43 in reply to musgrave

yup suffering! hubby is mainly too fatuiged for sex really hoping that doesnot last!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to musgrave

Have you thought of seeing an endocrinologist to have hormone levels checked. Hormone deficiencies can cause havoc with libido, but it's something which can uusually be corrected. Maybe have a word with your GP ? :-/

musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to cat3

Yes did think of it but wondered about side affect of taking hormone s.

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to musgrave

It's a matter of boosting your levels back to their previous level so shouldn't be side effects. But if you could get a referral to an endocrinologist dept. they'd do all relevant tests and, if you have deficiencies, they'd maybe start you on a low dose to begin with & gradually increase.

I saw an endo.specialist yesterday and am presently waiting for results of various tests. The consultant seemed very attentive and receptive so it was all really reassuring and thorough.

It took around six weeks from referral to appointment.

BTW, I had hormone treatment for over 20 years with no side effects whatsoever. But no one should prescribe them without all necessary testing and medical history. x

musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to cat3

Im not sure if this is now permanent after 27months

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to musgrave

Yes, left untreated, it probably would be. :o x

musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to cat3

You seem so well informed cat. Do you have any knowledge of men with this and other relatedi issues

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to musgrave

I've had hormone issues for most of my life and so have spent quite a lot of time exposed to information on the subject.

Also the son of my best friend had a benign tumour on his pituitary gland which triggered hypopituitarism. He suffered many symptoms, including lack of libido, & exhaustion until the tumour was successfully removed..

After a period of hormone therapy he is well, & back at work, and has recently fathered his second child. x

MXman profile image

Yes but not sure why...? Contusions were to my frontal lobe so maybe thats why.

paxo05 profile image

Hi Musgrave.

I agree with Cat could be hormones. Aftery bi (front lobe) my levels dropped then completely crashed.

I have been told its permenant. All is not lost as now have hormone injections( not the nicest things to have) and this has raised my levels.

The thing to hope for is your plateau period has been reached. Then treatment can start to help compensate for what is not functioning properly.

Hope I have explained this correctly as I have rewriten this out about a dozen times. Had a busy week and head not firing on all cylinders at moment.


musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to paxo05

Good to know that what else did you notice after injections mood masculine changes etc

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to musgrave

Finally got chest hair. Problem is I hate it as I jave no temperature control so doesnt help with sweating. Wife thought is was hilarious as I now have to shave my chest.

Initially it also played havoc with moods but on positive I am good at counting to ten now.

Basically yes there are side effects but they are minor considering the benefits. It may be a bind having injections as well but given alternative is aldo worth it.

All I would say is forget the embaressment and see your gp things can be improved.


musgrave profile image
musgrave in reply to paxo05

Thanks for your honesty yes embarrassment is the problem. How long after your bi did you get help . Did the hormones make you aggressive

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to musgrave

I may have already posted but seem to have lost it so here goes again.

I had my bi 16 years ago and noticed a drop in libido.Then 4 years ago my hormone levels just dropped off the scale. Had hormone gel but couldnt get on with it.

Then switched to injections and slthough painfull slworked better.

Last year my levels stableised so I continue on injections.

As to agression I initially suffered this and had anger management. I returned to this whilst starting hormone replacement as I knew I would probably suffer again. It seems to have worked.

If you cant speak to your gp then write it down for them to does help honest.

All the best Pax

amateurwriter profile image

I'm not sure why but I'm the opposite, before my TBI I couldn't care less about sex, I did want children but pre-bi my education and getting a job came before even thinking about looking for a partner let alone trying for a child, but post-bi I'm the opposite, I want to find a partner and maybe start a family, I do have thoughts about sex on a regular basis, not sure why I'm the opposite maybe it's because I refused to allow that part of me to show/come to the surface and now haven't got that much control with thoughts now so them thoughts come to the surface it's got to the point where I have dreams about doing it, maybe it's just me being well weird I'm not sure but I did read somewhere that your libido can go either way not sure if that's true or not though, haven't even spoke about this to my mum but then again she wouldn't listen to me and she'd say it's all in your head and your not allowed any male friends around not even when we are in the house even though I'm 23,

Hope you manage to find out why and find a way of helping you to get to the point that you want e.g. a slightly increased libido,

Take care,

Siobhan x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to amateurwriter

Yes Siobhan it can go either way ; something I can testify to. Temperamental those hormones and easily disrupted after a brain injury, and can turn either hyper or hypo !

Hope you're doing OK m'love. xx

amateurwriter profile image
amateurwriter in reply to cat3

I'm not doing to bad, under a huge amount of stress but the council is trying to help me move, my mum and her husband (I point blank refuse to call him my step-dad anymore) has a massive argument/fight on wednesday and I started to panic my heart started racing and I had a lot of chest pains so contacted someone on my fb who is part of the council who told me that she would get someone from housing to contact me which she did and I'm just waiting to see what is going to happen, I'm booking an appointment to see a dr about my heart/chest on monday,

apart from that I'm doing fairly well, trying to write a post on my blog at least once a week, and I still go to parkrun each week completed my 16th parkrun today in a row and am aiming to do 50 in a row :)

hope you're doing well and everything is going good for you,

Take care,

Siobhan xx

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to amateurwriter

Hi Siobham,

It may depend on part of brain that got hurt.

My libido is now random and unreliable. So I did a bit of research on left temporal lobe problems (were my tumour is located) and found that sexual drive, and sexual identity is all controlled by that are but also surrounding areas going from true hyper sexual drive to gender disphoria so quite glad really it's only drop in drive.

Brain wiring isn't fixed and develops differently with every individual which I guess is why the neuro's often don't understand the whys and wherfores in specifics but in generalisations. (Blow me I've just flabergasted myself, where ARE all these words coming from today).

Had numerous blood test and no hormone issues have been detected, However as I said the part of my brain with tumour can cause the problem but so too can the AED meds I'm taking.

Hopinbg now that my care is being taken over by one MDT in the same hospital that I might just start getting some balanced answers and treatment.

Take care and as for your mum not letting male friends home you could try pointing out to her that outside the house you have male company and that at home their company would be FAR safer. I've always taken an open approach to my childrens relationships (I say children but daughter now just about to turn 30 in about 10 days, with 5yr old daughter and son just turned 27 and halfway through PO course in Royal Navy.

Take care


cat3 profile image

Thanks Siobhan. Been having hormone tests last week, so hoping the outcome will be that there's a 'magical' treatment which will be lifechanging ! (I don't really believe that BTW)

Hope you get your accommodation sorted out. Hopefully you'll feel more relaxed when you can settle in your own space................I hope so. And maybe your symptoms will subside/improve when things do improve.

Take care, Cat xx

Kentbraininjury profile image

Totally agree with everything cat3 said but as I understand it there is no time scale to correcting your hormon levels. If the endocrinologist identifies a deficiency he/she will simply provide what is required. I spoke to an endocrinologist a couple of weeks back and he said there is no hormone that they cannot replicate.

So if the above is the issue at least it is worth seeking the advice.

headwayuk profile image

Hi Musgrave,

Just to add to the discussion, there is information about hormonal imbalances after brain injury on our website at

There are a few issues that can lead to a reduction in libido after a brain injury, and hormonal imbalances are one possible cause that can be easily tested by your GP. It may be worth taking our information along to the doctor to help explain as there is relatively little awareness of this.

If hormonal imbalances are eventually ruled out as the cause it may be that other cognitive and/or psychological effects are causing this and a referral to a neuropsychologist could help. Don't hesitate to contact our helpline on 0808 800 2244 or if you'd like to discuss this further.

Best wishes,


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