Foreign accent syndrome depressing and tiring. - Headway


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Foreign accent syndrome depressing and tiring.

Writer52 profile image
13 Replies

When I first fell o er and sustained my brain injury I was very shaken but determined to get on with my life , not let it get to me and forge ahead.

Three months later every morning feels like Groundhog Day and I am slowly slipping into my own little world where my best companion is my beloved dog.

It is extremely hard speaking with a foreign accent - it takes time to spit the words out and I feel self councious and frustrated - I wish there was a fast foward button to full recovery !

Last week I met someone who would not believe my situation - I swore at him and have had evil thoughts about him all week ! Hard not to !

It would probably be easier to be away from home where people don't know the old me so I do not have to keep explaing my situation.

Have squirrelled myself away in the country so I do not have to come across lots of aquaintences in the city - to tiring.

3 months and counting - fingers crossed x

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Writer52 profile image
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13 Replies
cat3 profile image

Yes fingers crossed indeed Writer because, three months on, there is still so much scope for healing & correction of symptoms. It makes me so sad that people are disbelieving of your accent issue ; it really is awful to be facing insults where there should be sympathy.

So I understand your anger and frustration when encountering such ignorance. It's one thing for people to surprised by your condition but quite another to be openly hostile.

I can understand your relief at being away from familiars though, especially if you have the company of your faithful pooch.

Hoping the speech therapy will help. Sincere best wishes, Cat xx

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to cat3

Thank you so much dear Cat .

Nice to be heard and acknowledged - i needed some understanding and kindness today .

BI and FAS can be very lonely !

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

With kindest regards


Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to cat3

FAS my own abbreviation dear Cat for Foreign Accent Syndrome ! X cooler in Norfolk today - hope it is with you x

cat3 profile image

Oh grief, trust me to get it so wrong. I'm just going to delete that question .............. thanks so much Emma.

Hope you're coping ok. Love Cat xx

Broken_Doll profile image
Broken_Doll in reply to cat3

Hi cat,

Don't worry sweet, we all have moments like that.. Honest! I deleted also.. (FYI).

Not too bad thank you, although this "stormy" closeness that's here in Hampshire is literally doing my head in! :D

Hope you are too?

Lots of love

Emma x

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to Broken_Doll

It's same here in Manchester. I'm sitting in front of a pedestal fan trying not to melt into a puddle.

Take care love and thanks for helping me out !

Cat xx

Broken_Doll profile image
Broken_Doll in reply to cat3

I might do a little rain dance.. See if it sorts things! Hehe!

No probs

Em x

Broken_Doll profile image

Hi Writer52,

Sorry to hear you are struggling and that you are experiencing people disbelieving you, with regards to your accent(s).

I struggle with aphasia & slurred speech and I get similar reactions, especially from acquaintances.. It's not that they are forthcoming with their observations and questions.. They either talk like I'm not there, talk to me like I am stupid/a child.. Or even worse.. They ask me a question, through my parents/friends/etc.

I am improving, but things like stress/fatigue/excitement/stimuli (environmental) send me completely lost for words or sound tipsy!

It will get better, I'm sure of it!

Just wanted to reach out to you!

Emma x

Writer52 profile image
Writer52 in reply to Broken_Doll

Thank you for your sweet reply and sorry to hear of your experiences to - people are so ignorant and thoughtless !

My senses are triggered by the same things that upset you - anything for a quiet life.

A dear friend is Italian so we prattle about with each other - it helps.

Your rain dance has helped - we have been sweltering here - ghastly - my poor dog has found it wretched to , panting like mad .

It makes a difference to chat online.

Thank you so much


cat3 profile image

And you too Writer. Be extra-specially kind to yourself over the weekend to compensate for that person's nasty comments.

Best wishes, Cat xx

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to cat3

Sorry, I deleted one of my replies so it's sent everything out of kilter ! :o

Sem2011 profile image

Hi Wrter52

Do you hold a 'Headway' card. They can be obtained from Headway. Explaining you have sustained BI and your need patience in speaking, etc, etc. I carry my in my purse and if I cannot verbally explain or some twit does not understand I Shem the person the card". It does help, and usually people understand.

I think you said in another post you start the day speaking almost in your normal accent but as the day goes on the accent and problem become more pronounced. Would it help if you planned your day with less to do, which may help?

I would advise seeing your GP and explain how this is affecting your life deeply, and ask them to expedite your appt to see speech therapist.

My partner watched a programme in which a lady had sustained a BI who had the same problem. The programme said her tongue had become fatigued because of theBI and used its movement when speeking to safe energy. I guess like my leg has spascitity and by the end of the day/or even the beginning the pain and walking becomes difficulty.

As Cat say three months is still very early in terms if BI. I was sleeping 18 hours a day and doing very little. There is life after brain injury and with your problems will imptove with right input.

Take care


Writer52 profile image

Dear Sem

Thank you for your post - it's a great help to know about the Headway card - It would help so much especially with some of the ' arseholes ' I have come across. It is a great relief to know about it .

I am seeing speech consultant on July 13 - so glad. Am resting as much as I can - I live with my partner but have withdrawn from life in the city to the country which is much more peaceful.

So sorry to hear about your pain - it is hard to rest when you want to live life to the full - achieve the smallest of things.

It is hard and frustrating to take things slowly - will have to be more patient .

Thank you for your support, advice, wisdom and kindness it means a lot.

Happy weekend.


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