Honeymoon peril: So, I've developed a trapped nerve... - Headway


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Honeymoon peril

BaronC profile image
35 Replies

So, I've developed a trapped nerve in my right shoulder and the entire shoulder has gone into spasm. I'm going to be smacked off my bits on codeine and we are flying off on the 29th. At the moment I can't move without screaming.

Oh joy of joys

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BaronC profile image
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35 Replies

Oh dear that's not good. That codeine is strong stuff -it'll knock you out but it will get rid of the pain at least. Enjoy your honeymoon and post us a nice romantic pic when you return of you two lovebirds. Have fun! :-)

Kirk5w7 profile image

Hi Andy,

Poor you, hopefully honeymoon euphoria will mask the pain too.

Watch out for that codeine, it can cause headaches I was recently informed it shouldn't be taken by anyone susceptible to headaches coz it can make them worse 😩

You know when I re-read these posts I do there are some weird and wonderful words in there, it must be a new language my brain has come up with 😄

Any how, have a good time lucky you, the honeymoon, not the shoulder xxxxxx

Janet x

sporan profile image

Hi Baron (AKA Andy),

I do so hope this won't spoil your honeymoon. Codeine is apparently strong stuff, I'm on Tramadol which is quite punchy itself.

Does codeine have any anti-inflamitry properties? Cause when I had shoulder joint impingement in my shoulder I was offered some anti-inflamatory meds for the pain as well as joint injections which helped a lot until physio could be started plus they didn't make me drowsey.

Hope all goes well and you can convince the Baroness that it isn't a deliberate ploy just to get her to do the bag carrying at the airport ;-)

Has the leather sofa arrived yet?

Truely feel for you and wish you well and that things subside in time or enugh for you to fully enjoy your honeymoon.

All the bestest


BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to sporan

Thanks Geoff, much appreciated.

I'm on some anti inflammatory meds as well as the Codeine. Plus another tablet once a day to stop the anti inflammatory from making my stomach fall out. Aaaaand the epilepsy meds....

Sofas arrive tomorrow...

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to BaronC

Thought perhaps the sofa may have been the cause... carrying it through the doors etc. over working the right arm operating the recline lever ;-)

Yes epilepsy meds are wonderful until you need to add in something else. I get issues with anti-inflamitories as well so usually have an addition drug to help (same with anibiotics as well) not just because of the E but I have ulcerative colitis, which thankfully has been in remission now for over 10 years, so avoid with a vengance anything that may trip that up.

Hope the sofas are all you wished for but that the honeymoon is even better.

Take care and enjoy the honeymoon.

I had to wait for mine... thirty years married, two children, one granddaughter then honeymoon. May have got the order the wrong way round but all worth it.

Geoff (AKA Sporan)

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to sporan

The kids came with my wife, didn't get any choice. I suggested having them adopted but the baroness wouldn't entertain the idea. Quite selfish really


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to BaronC

I caused my children so no choice either :-)

Still they're both out on their own now, son a PO in Royal Navy and daughter and accountant. Granddaughter is in first year at school and loving it. She learned to twist poor old Grumpy around her finger at a VERY early age so Grumpy gets tired and at times lives up to his name when she's around ;-)

Your's obiously came as part of a 'Buy one get two free' offer.


BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to sporan

I can't even argue that 'they're mine in all but name,' since they took my name. Taken my name, my cash, they might as well be mine :)

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to BaronC

Don't you just love kids! They're so adaptable and resourceful, always finding your wallet and credit cards, doing the pretty please thing with so sad eyes.... Great fun though :-)

in reply to sporan

Hi Geoff, not sure what your injury is but apparently tramadol can be bad news for BI patients, I think it may depend on the injury, like mine induces epilepsy and Tramadol is a definite no no. Trouble is not all Gp's seem to be aware there is a problem. Thought I better just mention just in case.

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

Hi Knifemaster,

My BI is a low grade diffuse tumour in the left medial temporal lobe and causes epilepsy, not grand mal thank goodness, but get both simple and complex focal seizure with absence.

At visit in December neurosurgeon arranged for a battery of tests, assessments etc., because of worsening speech problems, with a view to biopsy and radiotherapy (removal is not an option due to location and diffuse nature). At last neuropsych appointment was told that the options were still under concideration but that in mean time I was being referred to the epilepsy team so hopfully they might give more advice.

The Tramadol was prescribed by my GP and despite it being included on the lists of meds provide to my neurologist, the neurosurgeon and the neuropsychologist it has never once been mentioned about the connection to seizures.

I tend to only use it as rarely as possible and mainly use paracetamol and a triptan. The neurologist has suggested a beta blocker but I'm a bit warey as I have high blood pressure which has been well controlled and stable on same med level for last 10 years so don't want to upset it as I understand that could lead to low blood pressure and I get dizzy enough now!

Thank you for the info though and I will definitely question it with all concerned because the seizures still occur 2+ times a week and sometime multiple daily despite increasing AED dosages (on two different meds).

cat3 profile image

That's way up there on the pain scale Andy ; I really feel for you. I rely on Codeine for pain relief and it was what we (in the ward) were given after our brain ops so I hope that, together with the anti inflammatories, it'll sort you out in time for 29th.

So no chores for a good while............................and take care lifting the remote. :o

Imagine I'm just a small part of a large, collective group hug (cyber, not painful) and I hope that's a soothing thought & that the horrible pain will ease very soon.

Love & lots of sympathy, from Cat, xxx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

Aww bless you, thanks sweetie.

I'll be honest, the pain is bloody awful, really, really uncomfortable. And now the codeine has me so doped up that I'm barely awake. And I haven't been this breathless for years either. I feel quite dreadful. Good job Curfew is on my knee to keep me sane

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

Do you mean breathless because breathing aggravates the pain. If not .......what ? xx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

I'm assuming the codeine is causing it. Breathlessness is a listed side effect, but then so is everything from farting to excessive sweating. I've used my inhaler twice since I started the drug and I haven't used that for a year or so

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

I hate to say this but I've had the same thing about 30 years ago, when I was first married. I woke one morning in agony and sat bolt upright 'til the doctor was called at 8am.

The slightest movement was so--o-o-o painful and when the doc arrived he'd come prepared with morphine & a prescription for anti-inflammatories. It was exhausting 'cause I couldn't rest against a cushion as relaxing the muscles, like you've said, made me shriek with the pain.

And I do remember not daring to inhale fully because I couldn't bear the muscle movement of breathing. But it's true that Codeine can cause breathlessness.

But the drugs really helped, and by the evening I could lie down at least. It was uncomfortable but each day the pain reduced a bit more 'til it healed completely around the 10 day point.

So I'm thinking there's a good chance you'll be free of this in time for the honeymoon.............I hope so Andy, for both your sakes.

So I suspect this first day will be just awful, but with regular meds the pain will ease fairly quickly to a tolerable level and gradually fade as the days pass.

I'll be thinking about you................ you poor thing. xxx :X

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

Again, thanks muchly, your words are a comfort, as ever.

Picture the scene, 1am last night, I was sat on the edge of the bed, head in hands, crying like a baby, with the baroness trying her hardest to comfort while not having a chuffing clue what to do. Then I'm hanging out the window, freezing to death trying to get some air.

It was a bloody awful night

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

And you've obviously seen a doctor ?

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

Yesterday morning, hence the codeine. I mentioned the honeymoon, and said it was a 50/50 chance...

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

Things that come out of the blue like this can be pretty scary. But maybe, now the initial feeling of panic is behind you and the meds are getting to work on the injury, you can relax a bit more which will help the healing process.

Try to rest, with your head well supported. xxx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

I'm on the case, just returned to my bed...

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to BaronC

;-) xxx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

:D x

StrawberryCream profile image

Hi Baron Andy

Now what were you up too that you managed to trap a nerve in your shoulder??! Oh dear oh dear your timing is not great but hopefully it will improve in time to a more tolerable level.

Are the little Barons joining you on the honeymoon or will it be romantic bliss for just you and your Baroness?

Best wishes

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to StrawberryCream

Romantic bliss all the way. The kiddywinkle barons are off to nanny's house. That's grandma, not a goat. Although there is a clear resemblance.

It'll be our first proper time alone as a couple since we met. Can't wait!

StrawberryCream profile image
StrawberryCream in reply to BaronC

Good ol' Grandmaaa. Am pleased to hear that it is to be the newly wed couples romantic bliss. Don't quite understand 'honeymoons' that include the kids these days as to me that's a family holiday.

Hopefully Grandmaaa has them other times too so you get to have couple time within home life as well. That's what me and my son miss out on cos there are no rele's to do the grandparent, aunt/uncle involvement stuff.

headchild profile image

Sorry to hear of your pain x

Just a thought but I recently have been in hospital for an operation - codeine was offered to me.

I know from previously taking them that not only do they make me sick, but they space me out and I just sleep all the time.

This was no good as they wanted me out of bed and moving around a little.

This time I refused them and asked for something else.

Morphine - well that spaces me out as well.

So I pushed a bit harder and was offered Tramadol.


No sickness, no woozy head, just pain relief.

Might be worth asking??

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to headchild

Ta for the advice. I'll stay with it for a day or two and see how I feel. If it gets no better, I'll be heading back to the quack

razyheath43 profile image

Ouch! Freiendly hugs and enjoy honeymoon as best you can,safe flight

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to razyheath43

Thank you very much indeed!

Danslatete profile image

I do hope it eases soon. Nerve pain is rotten I live with it daily. It will settle eventually.

I'm spacey on codeine today too. I have mine mixed with paracetamol so it's 30mg codeine to each 500mg of paracetamol. Not for nerve pain but because a cherub at school decided to use me as a punch bag to vent his anger at not being allowed to use a computer. Being punched repeatedly, headbanger against a wall and kicked for about 20 mins then finished of with a headbutt which smacked my jaw against a wall. Mind you I came off better than the ASN teacher who got spat at and bitten as well as kicked and punched.

The joys of working with autistic children.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Danslatete

Bloody hell! I'm not sure what else to say to that!

Danslatete profile image

It's a new day tomorrow, sun will be out, birds singing and I'll be with my tiny kiddie winkles so it will be hugs, humming and spinning colorful teaching tools all morning and letters and numbers in the pm.

iforget profile image

Andy is there any chance you could get a steroid injection into the nerve area?

I have subluxed nerves in my elbow joints (the whole sheebang dislocates and the nerve pops out and gets trapped in the skinny little canal causing pain in the arm and numbness in the hand) and the ESP uses ultrasound to do a guided injection...its like magic.

I had it done two days before we flew to the USA last time and it really worked a charm, zero side effects and no need to be a pain meds induced space cadet

Hope you gte relief soonest and have a fab time

BaronC profile image

The codeine are taking the edge off the pain. The trouble is now I'm (more) drugged up and have a dull aching pain in the shoulder instead of the searing pain that was there before

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