OFF TOPIC! Here is another Matt-bat: Clue - An... - Headway


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OFF TOPIC! Here is another Matt-bat

Matt2584 profile image
35 Replies

Clue - An action figure

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Matt2584 profile image
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35 Replies

Buzz light year

in reply to

Am i awake today matt :-)?

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

You must be awake if you just typed your answer :).

in reply to Matt2584

Ha ha :-)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I think I know what you meant. You mean "Did I give a valid answer?" and yes, you did give a valid answer :). But was it right though? We'll have to wait and see :).

in reply to Matt2584

Ooh the suspense! I've got my pip assessment today.They coming to interrogate me at home at 12 so now im double nervous!!! You so cruel Matt!! :-(

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

Hi Karen,

Pretty sure your guess of Buzz Lightyear is right.

Good luck with your PIP assesment. Not had one of those yet and am still on DLA, the renewal came through a week or so ago valid for 5 years. Just a mention of a possible face to face but no request as yet so fingers crossed.

Also had eesa ,support group award renewed with no mention of face to face so hoping there too.

Try to relax as best you can and just take as it comes really. Have you got someone to be with you at the assesment. I had my wife at my EESA face to face and think it helped because she was better able to answer some of the questions about things that I did or happened to me that I was not always aware of or could remember.

Once a agin good luck and keep us updated on how it all goes

Geoff x

in reply to sporan

Thanks Geoff got my dad sitting here ready with me now bless him :-).

Yes will let you know. My face to face IIDB renewal went well. Had letter for that just -my payments gone up- unusually they assessed me this year as 25% disabled as opposed to 17% last year?


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

My DLA letter says any changes in my condition (better or worse) will lead to a PIP assessment.

Dad's are wonderful people... as I keep stressing to my two children ;-)

Hope all goes well and Dad keeps you well supplied with tea/coffe/water or what ever your preference is (alchahol prob NOT a good option until after).

Once again good luck and take care of Dad too.


in reply to sporan

Will look after my dad hes my rock i love him to bits.

in reply to

My friend has gone from Dla to pip and now gets an extra 100 pounds a week. I've heard lots of people say its a lot better.- worth thinking about!


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

It's certainly a thought but also, unfortunately, a distinct possibilty after a batch of recent assesments and tests mean than I may need to need a little more help.


in reply to sporan

Guess what a no show no phone call received its been rescheduled for Mon grrr.we were sitting their like stuffed chips!!


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

No change to the system then!

When I had to have my ESA face to face it was due first thing on a Monday so my wife arranged time off to take me (not allowed to drive anymore) and hour after she finished work on the Friday they phoned and cancelled, they then re-appointed for 3pm on a Friday afternoon (more time off for wife) got there half hour early was told Doc already with client if he finished early would call us through. £ o clock came and was called to desk and told 'He has to take a break now by law so did we wan't to come bacl another day' We said no we'll wait. Another supervisor came through and said 'He still has to write up the report from his last client so earliest would be four o clock and there is no guarantee he'll be able to see us then and besides you don't want to get stuck in the rush hour traffic because the assesment will take at least and hour it would be better if we came back another day'. My wife was slightly annoyed by then and kicked up a fuss so yet ANOTHER supervisor/manager came through and said ' Even if you wait there's no guarantee so what we'll do is a home visit, you won't have to get a Doctors letter because we'd been messed around'.

No new appoint came through and benefit due to stop ( they were already 5 months late in doing assessment) so phned 3 times to chace it. Finally had assessment two weeks before end of benefit's they rushed the result through but Doc was only in house 20 mins and once she'd seen all current meds ( htere are a few more now) realised I was having 3-4 absences a week and that the arthritis in my right knee and , her words 'Old joints' in the other knee and back and because I couldn't walk heel to toe with eyes shut without falling over she packed her bags and whent.

That was ATOS then I don't know f they've chaged assesment company now or not. The reality is we all want fraudsters stopped but the other reality is, despite the public hype and propaganda, they are very much the minority. It'my guess that the cost of the system and the succes rate of appeals against ATOS must cost the country far more than that lost to fraudsters and putting those in real need under unecessary stress with the propaganda making us feel like pariahs. Since leaving school at sixteen up until this health issue I'd worked and average of 50 hours a week and my last job (held for 9 years) 60+ hours a week.

As you can tell from lenght of this post not a happy bunny with the system. Sorry for the rant.

All the best for Monday, hope Dads still available

Geoff xx

in reply to sporan

Yes system not right.Capita for pip.Was Atos still for my IIDB .

We had a laugh we were guessing what kind of person the assessor would be.Well see whose right if they turn up mon.Yes dads still avail :-)


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

Dads are wonderful creatures. I might be slightly biased being one myself of course.

Still like I tell both my children and my wife, if it wasn't for my exsesive modesty I'd be absolutely perfect! Well that and my spelling but I can blame that on ABI ;-)

Monday it... may be then :-)

Geoff xx

in reply to sporan

Just showed my dad.'Thats a good un' he said smiling . Just made his head a bit bigger ha ha


sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

Hope you've made him a cup of tea with choccie biscuit for his efforts today.... and to make sure of a return on Monday a minimum of fish n chip lunch but better still nice piece of steak with mixed grill. Neither healthy options but boy are they tasty.

Dads heads can't get any bigger... it's a fact! They actually reach maximum size once all children are born, something to do with the pride and predjudice we have over our perfect offspring oh and if applicable the offsprings, offspring (I've a 4 yr old Grandaughter a total joy). ;-)

in reply to sporan

Yes he ate well lol. Wanted to take me out for dinner but i kindly declined. He sneakily enjoyed his carrot and walnut cake while mum wasn't around to tell him off(cholesterol!) and enjoyed reclining on the sofa for forty winks but he wasn't happy the assessor made him miss his Bargain Hunt!That messed his daily routine n fave programme!

My dad has 8 grand children. I bet your granddaughter is spoilt to bits!


Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Ah Karen, your Dad missed a right bobby dazzler haha, kidding. I dont usually watch it so I wouldn't know.

Anyway, it isn't that suntan merchant, David Dickinson who hosts Bargain Hunt now is it, it is now Tim Not-a-lot, I mean Wonacott :). He is a bit pastier but still quite eccentric.

I was going to say "Sorry for butting in" but this is my post so really you two are the ones who butt in haha.

in reply to Matt2584

Yes sorry Matt we did somewhat hog it will give you that


Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I don't mind if you hogged, I am pretty used to being drowned out haha

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to

SHe most certainly is (Laural and Hardy quote, age thing again lol).

There is always the Tim Wannacott Antiques Road Trip a bit later on in the day, I enjoy that. Not seen myself being bought yet though.... something about damaged goods ;-)

As for cholesterol my excuse is I take tablets for that so I can eat what I want... unfortunately the waistline doesn't agree ;-)

Although having said that I've somehow lost three quarters of a stone since November without trying, a joy for my knee and back :-)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to sporan

Hi again Geoff,

Another thing I left out.

This 'doctor' who assessed you at home and said you had 'old joints' when referring to the arthritis. How wrong could she be.

She is supposed to be a doctor and she was practicay saying that old people get arthritis!

That is so wrong. My second cousin has got arthritis and she was first dianosed when she was a baby. Older people are probably more prone to getting arthritis but in actual fact, anybody can get it.


in reply to Matt2584

My son had arthritis at 16 so your quite right there Matt !

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Of course I am right Karen, I always am haha, kidding.

sporan profile image
sporan in reply to Matt2584

Think she was reffering to the fact they were worn out lol. Years of lifting heavy steel and carring up to 50kgs a time up 6m or more ladders.

The funny part was when I told her I've no cartiledge in the right knee and she suspiciously asked 'How do you know that?'

My reply stopped that 'Well they took half of it out in hospital 25-30 years ago after trampoline accident and the rest they took out 10yrs ago because it broke up and offered me a knee replacement but said best left, if I could cope, till I retired. In meantime they could doo bone scrapes and steriod injections.'.... the response was silence, then a 'Hmm! OK'.

People thing that there id only one type of arthritis but there are two and it can start at birth, my sister-in has that and at just 50 has had both knees replaced and one elbow and still on constant pain relief.

Thanks though Matt and Karen for your understanding and support.

Geoff x

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to sporan

Hi Geoff,

I was just reading your comment about what you had to go through for the benefits system. It makes me angry for them to be like that, you get there early, the doctor is busy. Your appointent comes around, the doc is still busy so then you have to wait longer. And you say this was with ATOS? I hate them. Thankfully I haven't had any problems with them but from what I know of them, they are originally a French company that joined up with our DWP, I think. They were cutting benefits from people who clearly needed them leaving them homeless and struggling to live!

ATOS' slogan 'ATOS healthcare'.

So tell me, when you cut benefits forcing people to live on the streets, even killing people, how is that caring for peoples health?

By the sounds of it, France is not a very caring place at all.

Thankfully though, after a lot of protest, ATOS have buggered of back to France, good riddance.

Sorry, bit annoyed by ATOS,


in reply to Matt2584

They still here Matt.They dealt with my IIDB.I got my money so im not complaining

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

ATOS are still here!


What I have seen on Facebook was wrong then. Well, that wouldn't surprise me.

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I havehad 'the assessment' before, obviously, too. It isn't really a great thing to go through.

One time, the doctor they sent out wanted to see how bad my balance was so he got me walking across the road in the evening, and this was probably around Autumn/Winter!

I can understand the whole, doctor thing, to spot people cheating the system but I do think it goes to far. I suppose the government don't want to lose out on money so they can afford to buy more nuclear weapons or something like that.

My Mum fills in the forms for me and one year they wanted a dtailed description of my balance, when I lost balance and how many times I might wobble/stumble when I walk. I can lose balance just by standing on the spot! I walked for about a mile and lost my balance hundres of times.

In the end, on the last form she filled in, se stated I had a disability that would not get any better as I have a brain injury and I never got any more forms/doctors after that :).

in reply to Matt2584

What would they have done Matt if you had fallen say and banged your head or broken your ankle whilst doing that!!!

Sounds like your mums mastered things well for you :-)

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Exactly Karen! What would they have done if they injured me? Well, I would hope to get compensation out of it, that's for sure :).

razyheath43 profile image

Good luck,remember it's you're home,so you can ask them to leave if it all beacomes too much,hope it goes well

in reply to razyheath43

It is a little invasive in your own home isn't it?

Not what you're looking for?

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