I'm angry!!!
Argh!!!! : I'm angry!!! - Headway

The site is healthunlocked.com. It's now saved in my favorites bar. Took me awhile to find. What is wrong Negeen?
Awww James, I'm so glad you found it!! It's one thing that's really bothering me-I hate how unfair the world is!!! Oh well...
Hi Negeen, my favourite observation : Life isn't fair, BUT people can be.
Take care, Dev
Oh, and James, welcome to the community!

Thank you Dev, I currently use my computer to access Health Unlocked. Do you know a way that I can change my settings, to be alerted of replies in an email account? That way, I will know soon after if someone replies ...
I'm receiving some notifications, but not one when someone replies to me. Is there away to change the individual site settings.
I found it, but apparently I'm already getting notifications. Is their a way to change the email address that I used when I joined the community. Although yahoo mail is my old primary address, it is super slow. Sometimes the mail is a day late.
You should be able to change the email address setting just below the contact preferences in account settings. That is assuming you are using a full browser to change settings, the mobile view of the site drives me mad when browsing on my smartphone. If you get totally stuck then the Headway admins can easily sort it out for you.

Dev, thanx, I changed the settings, and receive email notifications now. I do kinda wish your site allowed my mac to remember my password. I created any easy one, but it's still a pain remembering it, and typing it because of my TBI. Most sites allow my Macs keychain (it's called that), to remember passwords, but yours doesn't for some reason. Something to do wt this sites encryption, I think.
I spotted a message on the support area saying they are making changes, the Heartbleed bug prompted some of the changes. support.healthunlocked.com/
You could ask on one of the support links, or pm headwayuk for a more "BI tolerant" response. Could be cookie settings.
Oh, it's not my site, I'm just a user like you (carer for my wife who has the TBI). Used to be in IT management - I don't miss it at all

LOL ... Thanx for your help Dev. I don't think it is my cookies. Although I remove every stored cookies every time I log out of my computer, macs have something that works independent of cookies, called a keychain. This unlocks every stored site, that is unless the site is using unusual encryption, that my computer doesn't recognize. Most sites are encrypted in a way that allows the keychain to be used, but sometimes a site doesn't. I'll check out the link.

Dev, but i'm so enraged precisely because i've been deeply wronged by a person.
Pour quoi?
Some 40 year old man did me real wrong.
I hope you're feeling better, now.
i'm not. I just hate how unjust life is.
Nobody ever said life was fair and to think this is to invite disappointment. Once upon a long time ago I used to think that if I treated others well they would do the same to me...but no... It doesn't work like that.
People are not all intrinsically nice or fair...or honest....or any of the other virtues desirable in humans...
Does/should that stop us from treating others as we would wish to be treated? No of course not...I am still me and I will continue to do as I think is right...but from experience I am more realistic and by expecting nothing of others I am always pleasantly surprised when I encounter kindness.
If there are reasonable practical steps you can take to resolve the hurt this person/incident (whatever it may be) has caused then you may want to take them...if not then chalk it up to experience and let it go because the person your anger will hurt most is you... Generally the wrongdoers are not bothered by the hurt feelings of others and holding on to anger does not affect them and simply eats away at the angry person.
Of course it helps that I am a firm believer in what goes around comes around... and if you are really lucky you will get to witness when life catches up with whoever did you wrong
Sorry to hear that Negeen, I hope its something you can rise above and see as a character flaw in another. My eldest daughter got involved with an older man, but that is one I'm not quite ready to share yet... Send me a pm if it helps.
Negeen, I sure hope that you didn't mean me. The reason I didn't come until toast night was because although I had joined two days ago, I had forgotten the sites name. Brain injury, and memory problems, are common as you probably know. The sites in my bookmarks now, so there shouldn't be anymore confusion
I meant join last night, not toast night, stupid spell checker ... LOL
That's a relief Negeen. that guy sounds like a jerk. How are things on the West Coast today?
I changed my notifications, and my iPod touch alerts me now through WiFi! Now I'll just have to figure out how to make my iPod remember my password. For some reason this site doesn't automatically ask me to save the password. Some don't ... Memory problems sure stink!
Hi James. I joined this site a while ago but have not used it much, but started again. It is good, nobody like us can understand BI. Welcome Sharon