has anyone been involved in a motorcycle accident ? - Headway
has anyone been involved in a motorcycle accident ?

There are one or two of us on here.
ABI and bikers go hand in hand.
Have you had an "off" as we say?
Had plenty of spills when I was into bikes in the 70s and 80s, nothing serious. A few good friends had bad ones, lost one or two as well. I didn't have the appreciation of brain injury that I have now, back then...

me too
I used to be part of a biker community many years ago and lost two wonderful friends. Of course as a passenger you're life is literally in the hands of the tearaway who's bike you're on but, fortunately despite youth & inexperience, I wasn't involved in any accidents.
Please tell us more about your accident Jules, and the consequences & treatment. Do you have long term issues resulting from a brain injury ?
Yep, several.
Even got knocked off by my wife when she was driving the car and I was on my bike.
I have done lots of research into motorcycle accidents, helmet and suit design, training and dare I say crashbags, seat belts and stabilisers !!
My first bike accident was in 1975 when I was riding to college on my Yamaha FS1E "sports" moped complete with pedals !. Being a novice I didn't know about ice under bridges that hadn't defrosted in the morning sun.
So on my brand new bike I rode under a railway bridge not far from home, slid on the ice and went down landing hard on my bum in the middle road as my bike slid away from me on its side. I sat there for a minute thinking...... Ow that hurts?
The bike wasn't too badly bent, nothing a large hammer wouldn't straighten later, so I rode on to college.
It was rather awkward/painful to sit on my bum in college all day and indeed for the rest of the week !
Bruised pride more than any longterm damage.
My 2nd bike smash was 4 months later (I was a novice remember?) I had left college to ride home and it was raining hard.
I was riding in town in a line of cars and the road went down into a dip with a zebra crossing in the dip.
Car in front stopped a bit quick and I locked both front and back brakes before hitting the back of the car in front and
ditching my bike on its side. No damage tot he car thankfully ! The driver was cool, he made sure I was ok and left.
Twisted the forks on my bike but not bad enough to ride home safely. The bars were a bit wonky too.
All good, straightened the forks that night. Back to college the next day.
3rd bike smash.
August 1976 I was riding though Warwick town centre and had a VW van pull out of a side road straight in front of me and it stopped across my side of the road. The driver was turning right out of the side road.
What bikers call a classic "T-bone" accident. If you have ever heard of anyone getting "T-boned", that's how it happens.
After I went straight over the handlebars when the front wheel hit the van and before I had time to even touch the brakes, my head left a deep concave dent in the metal side of the van as I slid down in slow motion onto the floor. Splat/slide?
Me poor FS1E !!! Oh dear. My baby !
The insurance company phoned me a few weeks later to say they could only salvage the back wheel and seat, the entire remainder of my bike was a broken.
R.I.P. my FS1E.
Oh, I was wearing a crash helmet too. lol
From your profile name I'm assuming the 'fizzy' wasn't the last bike?
I think one of the first things you learn to appreciate on two wheels is just how slippy the roads are when its just rained after a long dry spell. That was the first time I injured my pride

My fizzy was the first in a lifetime love affair with bikes, deadly as they are.
I've had 5 Hayabusa's, a few GSXRs, some rapid GPZs and a few others. 1 Honda, 1 Triumph, 1 Buell and an exup streetlighter. A few classics too.
I just love riding and the freedom and culture.
Enough of me waffling on, how about you jules?