caused by an AVM.
The condition is Homonymous Hemianopia which in plain English, is 50% sight loss in both eyes (either right or left side vision loss). It prevents you from being able to drive, sadly.
So if I was to ask those of you with this condition the following question, how would you respond?
"If you have suffered a brain haemorrhage which resulted in a loss of vision(or partial vision), did the vision return? if so, how quickly? "
Outcome options:
1. Yes - vision returned within 6 months of initial loss
2. Yes- vision returned between 6-12 months of initial loss
3. Yes- vision returned in excess of 12 months from initial loss. (Please state time period of sight loss)
4. No- vision has not returned , initial vision loss occurred during the last 12 months
5. No- vision has not returned , initial vision loss occurred between 12 -24 months ago
6. No- vision has not returned , initial vision loss was in excess of 24 months ago
I would be absolutely delighted to hear from any fellow sufferers who have also had this condition.
THANKYOU so very much .
Kind regards