Hello everyone. My name is Zhanna.
Dear HHD sufferers, I am new here and would like to share my experience. My HHD started about in my mid 20ties and now I am 39. And it used to be very seldom breakouts during the year. But lately it became very aggressive and I must say that I have constant breakouts now and very little time when my skin is clear. I've been trying Fucibet, Lotriderm, which don't really work for me anymore ( I think my skin got used to it ). It's been 2 months I've been taking an antibiotics and it calmed down after 1st month and now my flares up appear again. Can anyone recommend anything else to try to ease my pain ( underarms and groin areas ) ? Only my mum can understand me as I inherited it from her and I can share it with her. But I try not to tell her too often because she gets very upset and guilty for passing it to me.... and I feel very helpless not knowing how to manage my life around it ....😥😥😥
Thank you so much in advance