I'm going to have to start taking my Methamizole Monday and Friday once a day 2.5 mg... had been taking it wrong because of the receptionist telling me it was Doctors order to take it in quarters on Monday Wednesday and Friday once a day because my TSH level was 7.79. Well two weeks later I go to have my blood test again for my TSH and it came out to 4.79 Doctor tells me to stop taking the pill every Day and to take every other day.. will I'm sure she is not keeping up with my results but I explained to her how I was taking my meds.. she told me to just take 2.5 Methamizole only once a day on Monday and Friday... I'm wondering now if I'm going to go Hyper since I had taken meds wrong... I was Hypo because of the medication.... I was diagnosed having Hashimoto and graves back in 2016 towards the end of August... I've only been on Methamizole since I started. Can anyone tell me how fast someone can shift to hyper from hypo if taking meds wrong at a small dosage since it took like 2 weeks from 7.79 to 4.79 on my TSH... thanks so much.
Any advise to my dilemma. Thank you. - Graves Disease Su...
Any advise to my dilemma. Thank you.

Hi sarajuarez, I noticed you posted 4 months ago and received zero answers. I am wondering what has happened with you since? In my case with Graves I have never been hypo only hyper but rarely. When it gets hyper I take a small dose for about 2 weeks and get my rate back to normal. By now, you may have figured this out for yourself. If you are still on here; let us know. I am avoiding becoming hypo as my dad and other family members are and they have to always take meds and are very dependent. I like that I can be normal on my readings and thus get a break from strong meds that can cause liver or kidney damages. I am much more Grave's disease than overactive thyroid. My doc says some people are more effected in their thyroid, and some are more effected in their eyes. For me, my eyes popped out and I have had two decompression eye surgeries to get them back to looking normal. Best wishes to you. Thanks Red.
I’m sorry as I just checked on my message here. Thanks for asking! Well I’ve been off the Methamizole for almost 4 months and been mostly on my TSH hypo but had a reading of 4.49 one month and the following month after it was 4.39 now this month it’s 6.57 so that is considered hypo but the Endo will not give me anything for Hashimoto because she said I could swing back to Graves. I’ve been feeling good just been taking beta blocker bystolic for high blood pressure 5 mg as prescribe from Doctor, and my Endo doesn’t think I have High blood pressure she thinks it’s just white coat syndrome. I noticed when I’m not on the beta blocker that my heart seems to run a little faster than normal, so I don’t know what to think of it but my Doctor could be right on the high blood pressure but it causes me to have headaches with sneezing and runny nose off and on. Im sorry to hear about what your going through but it seems as you know how to handle it more as time goes by we seem to know how Graves can effect us. And when I go up on hypo( Hashimoto) I guess it beats having Graves that is why I guess the Endo doesn’t show concern when she tells me im dealing with Hashimoto when my TSH level shows that I am. Your in my prayers and I pray for your eyes as you don’t deal with that anymore as I know it’s a terrible illness we have to deal with. Thanks so much, means a lot to me as you comment. God bless you and please keep me updated on how your doing😊