I was diagnosed with celioac two year... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Gluten Free Guerrillas

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I was diagnosed with celioac two years ago and i'm very sensitive to gluten and oats.i'm very carefull with my diet but still have episodes

shirley64 profile image
4 Replies

of bloating, tiredness and generally feeling unwell, any suggestions...Shirley...

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shirley64 profile image
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FionaGFG profile image

Much the same here Shirley.

Firstly are you sure there's no cross contamination ie via toasters/ shared butter etc? Are your yearly Coeliac blood tests negative for any ant-bodies to gluten? If you're happy there's no cross contamination & that your blood tests are A-Ok then it's worth considering these things:

>Thyroid - have you had this tested to check it's working ok? Often Coeliac + Thyroid problems go hand in hand

>Have you kept a diary to try + pinpoint what you were doing & where you were when you had an problem? Is there another food after which you have a negative reaction? Or after certain alcohol? If you can track down a common trigger via a diary you may find it helpful

>Some Coeliacs also have IBS - we all know this is often a catch all for what Drs don't understand - yet it's worth considering/ ruling out whether stress or other foods set you off

>Have you spoken to a dietitian or nutritionist - sometimes they can be very helpful in working in partnership with you to solve the problem although often the best ones are private as they have more time to devote to a full consultation

>Have you had a virus ?

>What are your vitamin levels? When did you last get a blood test for;

B12, Vitamin D, Iron? Often any of these being low (which is common in Coeliacs can make you feel like a zombie)

>A food diary is often a good way to pinpoint problem foods: for example casein, cheese, alcohol, coffee are often inflammatory. So if you imagine that your body has tried to get over the inflammation caused by fighting gluten it's easy to see how these are kinda like pouring petrol on fire. Often it's worth trialing going dairy free for 1 to 2 weeks and noting down if you notice any improvements. Then Allergy UK and other certified bodies can help you assess if you have a food intolerance/ allergy to any other foods once you have a rough idea of what it might be. This is of course better to be done with proper medical advice and support ie your dietitian

Hope that helps. Let us know how you get on.


Hi Shirley, I'd keep a food diary and as Tony points out not all gf foods are devoid of gluten.

There are naturally gf foods like rice and all fruit and veg fish and meat (unless processed)

There are foods like codex wheat starch that because it is washed wheat still has traces of gluten


There are foods that have a lower level of gluten than codex 20ppm and these foods are also deemed as gf. This is the minefield area for super sensitive coeliac. There is Marmite classed as gf in the UK but made from spent brewers yeast and not classed as gf in all countries. I asked CUK about Marmite and they told me that did not ''flag'' foods like Marmite that are at the lower end of codex.

There are wheat derivatives which again contain traces of gluten these include glucose, maltodextrin, these are polyol's which are sugars derived from grains and this is a very grey area for suopersensitive coeliac as these polyols can be derived from corn potato or wheat etc. French fries are usually coated in dextrose and polyols are used extensively in low cal' fizzy pops.

There are oats which contain avenins which is oat gluten and this triggers a reaction in a minority of coeliac. All coeliac are told not to eat more than a moderate amount of oats anyway.

Like I said it's a minefield for coeliac who need a gf diet beyond codex. And I hope this helps,


shirley64 profile image

Thankyou to all who answered my question...I do have an appoitment in the New Year with my dietician and i will certainly take note of the advice you have all offered and take it up with the dietician...thans again Shirley...

denisemilden profile image

Hi Shirley ive been ceoliac for 6yrs and had been suffering alot, then last yr my dietician suggested i leave out oats for 12 months which i found very hard but did do it. A few wks ago i had my annual gastrostomy and biopsy,s done and it was the best results ive had in 6 yrs it showed my villi starting to stand up also i have been feeling better in myself, Hope you feel better soon. Denise merry christmas to all

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