I had a endoscopy and a biopsy ? shou... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I had a endoscopy and a biopsy ? should i wait for results before excluding gluten . I didnt even think i could have CD .
It's best to discuss this with your GP. I was told after my endo it was clear I had CD and I has such dizziness and nausea I gave up gluten straight away.
However, if you're awaiting results it's probably best to continue eating in case they need to re-test you at all. Unlikely but it could happen.
Did you also have the antibody & enzyme blood test first? Was this positive? Did you have low iron, B12, VitaminD and folate. Have you any history of auto-immune disease in your family?
I too never suspected I had CD nor had ever heard of it. Not all coeliacs have classic symptoms. However have a chat with your GP. He / she may advise reducing your gluten slightly (ie. no bread/ pasta) but continue with cereal, soy sauce, etc so that if you do need any repeat tests then your results should still be valid.
Thanks I havent been tested for any of the ones you mentioned as i was referred for an endoscopy as the surgeon i saw was investigating a possible epigastric hernia and i also had a CT scan . I have been having nausea every day ,tired and some other symptoms and have found eating bread it feels as if its stuck . I am waiting to go back to see the surgeon who referred me and have cut back on gluten and feel better ie dont feel nauseaous all the time .
hi fiona when i had mine 18months ago was told to give up gluton ight away blood test came back posative and neather did i think i had it wot made me go to docs was i lost 2stone in weight and had runs all the time since been gf have been fine and never had pin with it good luck x