Somebody today told me that her friend with CD can't use tea bags because of the glue!! I don't know about this! I did read somebody on here who said they don't lick stamps etc for the same reason, so I'm thinking there may be something in it!!!
Are we OK with tea bags?: Somebody... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Are we OK with tea bags?
I heard this a while ago so did a bit of research. I wrote a blog about it ( - I only wrote to one company but they said they heat seal the bags with a fine layer of the same kind of plastic used to make tupperware! So, no glue and you can relax. However, do be careful with special teas as barley malt is quite often used as aflavouring, even in varieties you wouldn't expect to find it in.
Stamps are ok these days as they all seem to come on those little peelable books. Envelopes - well, I don't lick those. If they aren't self seal and there isn't any water handy I get someone else to do that. Who wants to lick yukky pappery glue anyways. Got to be some advantages to having to be very careful with diet!
Wow-what a speedy response, thank you so much! Guess I'll have to take a close look at the contents lists of my favourites! I live & learn-thanks in large part to the lovely people on this website!!
lamcg - I think that this is an urban myth. As yet I have not come across any positive information to link any teabag with any form of glue let alone wheat or barley based glues!
There is quite a lovely site with much information about unusual things that some believe contain gluten .. so you could check out a few things on here:
Hi lamcg ... I also meant to add another attachment that you may find useful - it is a link for a free e-book on coeliac disease/gluten:
Click onto the sentence underneath the 'Thank you' at the top of the page where it says .......... Click here to download your copy - this is the FREE book link.
Thank you so much, Lynxcat. I hope I'm not turning paranoid about this!
what may seem paranoi to others is useful caution to us. Lots of things that the offiicials say are ok make me ill - gluten in shampoo, codex wheat, food with 20ppm gluten......
well i hope tea bags are ok cus i drink loads and have never hat trouble lol lol