Wheat belly: I was sent the following... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Wheat belly

Lynxcat profile image
19 Replies

I was sent the following link by my daughter and as I found it interesting - especially the part that says quote "It doesn’t matter if you eat whole wheat, multi-grain, unsprouted, germ, organic or gluten free because wheat is wheat."

I thought I would share the link with you all:


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Lynxcat profile image
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19 Replies
Liana profile image

I have just finished reading the book "Wheat Belly". It tends to be very scientific and technical at times, but the information about GMOs is fascinating. I've done a lot of reading in this area and found it simply confirmed the findings of many authors I've read in the past. I have multiple food allergies and intolerances and now GERD and IBD as well. What this book, and others like it do, is help me put the pieces of my own puzzle together. I don't think one size fits all when it comes to diets because we are each unique. The more we educate ourselves, the more successful we'll become in achieving our health goals.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to Liana

I agree with you Liana. I too have an ever increasing thirst for knowledge. What I find disappointing is that organisations that are 'dedicated' to coeliac disease and branches of gluten food allergy never appear to list all of the symptoms. In fact, not all of the symptoms appear to be listed anywhere.

It took me a long time to discover that jaw ache was one of the symptoms that may present itself with the onset of coeliac disease. I had pains in my jaw for a number of years and my dentist couldn't find anything causing the pain. The pain subsided over time when I refrained from having gluten. So if I had gone undiagnosed it would have been something that I perhaps would never have found the cure for.

My daughter had both eczema and sinisitis - her test results so far for coeliacs are negative - she still decided to try a gluten free diet excluding all kinds of wheat products and variant products - her eczema cleared up (she has had eczema for years) and her sinisitis also went completely (she has had sinisitis for at least ten years).

We could do with a compilation of complaints a long side a list of food items to steer clear of. My daughter, for instance, was surprised that gluten free meant no Marmite!

When I found out about Coeliac.org, I decided to join (it being free for the first six months - I thought at the time that I would be a member for life, but I was disappointed with what I felt was a shortfall of information. I still found myself scouring the Internet for information about my condition). I sent for all of the free food samples and was horrified to find wheat in many of the "gluten free" ones - these were binned - who wants the aches and pains that arrive when eating "gluten free" wheat, barley, rye and oats? It so annoys me though, if a product is marked "gluten free" it still may contain any of these grains that we are supposed to avoid. It plays with our health to simply take out most of the gluten and then call it gluten free; to list it as gluten free; to advertise it as gluten free .......

in reply to Lynxcat

Hi Lynxcat, some very astute comments here so good for you. I see many gluten free foods as containing ''allowed'' levels of gluten and aimed at me but in reality not suitable for me as I have a bad reaction to gluten, all gluten.

What I have noticed is that many coeliac who appear to be able to tolerate codex wheat malted cereals and oats still have ongoing health issues. I also wonder if coeliac who eat these foods stopped eating them for a month would they still be able to tolerate them?

What bothers me is on a molecular level 1ppm of gluten or 1mg of gluten per Kilogram of food contains millions or trillions of gluten molecules.

Going back to the original blog a very interesting link so thanks for posting it.

Gillwightman profile image
Gillwightman in reply to Lynxcat

Oh my I've just discovered I'm gluten intolerant and have suffered jaw ache for 3 years plus a whole host of other new symptoms. It started after 7 bereavements in a row and had put it down to stress. Now 3 months into gluten free and feel so much better. Hope it fixes the jaw too!!! I've spent a fortune on therapy that hasn't shifted it,

Maryelle profile image

Thank you Liana

Morningstar profile image

I agree with both of you. As I was also ill with other stuff it took my son to detect the wheat in the gluten free samples that had come (that i was eating). I have had CD for life but just been diagnosed. My GPs said that because i am a chubby lass (not in so many words! Lol), they just never thought of Ceoliac Disease. mine is hereditary, I got it from my Dad, also undiagnosed but he had the same symptoms as me. I was diagnosed (wrongly) with IBS and rhinitis. There are ridges on my teeth and nails which are classic of Ceoliac and my teeth were loose in my gums. Have a look at your daughters finger nails if that is okay with her? My results for CD were very week. Simply because i would never eat anything that had made me ill once. I couldn't do the 'gluten every day' for the biopsy. Did it for one day and ended up in A and E, had to have shots of antihistamine and hydracortizone. (Can't spell sorry). It's amazing how much other stuff it affects. I am eager to find out more symptoms if possible as I have children and grandchildren who refuse to get tested at present.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to Morningstar

You have enlightened me quite a bit here Morningstar, so thank you. I never knew about the ridges on the nails. I have had ridges develop on my thumb nails and couldn't think why. I have tried everything to get rid of them - the right one, although it doesn't look too bad is painful when I ring out washing - sometimes I feel that it will split right down the middle. My mother used to have split come into her thumb nails and always thought it was because she must have caught them on something. She was never diagnosed but different things that I am gradually finding out - we have to be Miss Marple's don't we? - are leading me to believe that she may well have had undiagnosed CD.

msglutenfreeuk profile image
msglutenfreeuk in reply to Morningstar

I was diagnosed last August and was amazed how much better I felt after eliminating gluten. I'd never had any gastro symptoms tho, I had severe debilitating headaches, which felt like chronic sinus pain - doctor told me to take 2x ibuprofen, 2x paracetamol and 2x sudafed, 4x a day for up to a week! I also suffered lots of neck and shoulder pain and aches, put it down to working in an office, spent money of yoga and osteopaths (also to help alleviate headaches), and chronic tiredness and fatigue which I just put down to being a working mum. After giving up the gluten I felt like a new woman in a couple of weeks, clear head, no aches and pains. I know when I've been glutened, because I get a stabbing pain behind my left shoulder blade, always in the same place, and the headache across the eyes and i'm effectively out of action for 24 hours as no painkillers even touch the pain - this is why i cannot have the official tests. I've also have hypothyroidism and am on thyroxine, have alopecia areata - 3 bald patches in 2 years - also another auto-immune disease. The more I read and research, the more I discover and I'm really beginning to see now the modern diet is really just making everyone ill.

Decodream profile image
Decodream in reply to msglutenfreeuk

I was told by my ENT several years ago (and have gone gluten free) that I was gluten intolerant. However, when I recently (by accident) ate a organic wheat pizza. I had no ill effects.... I was curious. I made a pound cake with organic wheat. I ate the batter and a slice. No bloating, no headaches and no vomiting!!!

What the *#%!!!!

Decodream profile image
Decodream in reply to msglutenfreeuk

Sounds exactly like my symtoms... For years I thought I had sinititus. My ENT told me I was Gluten intolerant. It wasn't until several years later after giving up gluten that I discovered (accidentally) that I could eat organic wheat. Now I believe that my symtoms are from commercial grow non-organic wheat that is riddled with pesticides...

HiveMind profile image

I have just bought supposedly " gluten free" museli from a health food shop (Nairns) which, every time I eat it, makes me feel I'll. So all of the above rings true.

It's going in the bin. Avoid.

sassyl profile image
sassyl in reply to HiveMind

You know there was a batch of their porridge oats recalled a few months back for having gluten in them.

HiveMind profile image
HiveMind in reply to sassyl

Really? It's totally put me off EVER trying oats again though. I think I'll stick with a protein or fruit breakfast from now on!

sassyl profile image
sassyl in reply to HiveMind

I get rice and buckwheat porridge from Sainsbury. That's ok and porridgy.

maidforit profile image

This looks really interesting. I've had a quick read and I'm going to take a look at all the attached videos as well.

I have to say that since I have gone GF I don't have a 'muffin top' any more and my face isn't puffy and round like it used to be :)

Lynxcat profile image

As this is relevant to the discussions here - I have found a second article that is written by a Doctor who discovered that he had Coeliac disease and is quite an interesting read. It explains what doctors are taught about the disease and it then becomes obvious as to why many Coeliacs go undiagnosed for years:


I found this really interesting, as since being diagnosed GF my general health has been greatly improved. However, I have been gaining weight month on month. I’m wondering if cutting the other grains will help with that, as I am a generally active and healthy person, so the weight gain is cause for concern.

I also suffered from many other elements before I was diagnosed including many of those mentioned in the article. I have also found that many of my GF/WF friends also had/ have issues with symptoms that are not recorded as symptoms. This includes cancers, cysts, seizures and hypoglycaemia. We seemed to have made a link that most GP failed to recognise for years!

Morningstar profile image

Oh I also have to take thyroxine as i have an underactive thyroid gland. My Gastroentrologist says that Ceoliac and that can be linked. The thyroid gland is the 'control box' for the body and sends all the 'signals' for the body to work. So if anyone had symptoms that might have something to do with that, get checked. At my worst i couldn't remember what i was doing going from one room to another, my memory was so bad. If you have this and it iosn't sorted it can lead to angina and heart trouble, your heart struggles to make the rest of you work. The good news is with meds you go to completely normal (

Whatever that is! Lol)

Eccentrica profile image

Hi all,

New girl on the block...lol

I'm apparently a "latent" and "silent" coeliac. I have intra-epithelial involvement upon biopsy which the Gastro assures me only happens with Coeliac but because my bloods were negative he was loathe to put me on GF diet.

Anyhoo...after a chat with my GP he sggested I do it anyway to see if it made a difference.

Well, I defo have a flat stomach these days (no bloating) and I think I have a bit more energy.......

Here's the connection lol...

I'm also Hypothyroid, Have Pernicious Anaemia and Malbsorbtion problems (Vit D, Iron and Folic Acid deficciencies and Calcium at bottom of normal)

One other thing to look out for that seems to be relatively common with Coeliacs is Trigeminal Neuralgia (which I also suffer with).....just a bit more "food for thought".....GF of course...lol


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