I have T1 Diabetes, underactive thyroid and Vitiligo. All are related to Coeliac from what I know.
I read somewhere that diagnosis of Coeliac in T1D can be more tricky - I don’t know if this is entirely true. My Serum Total IGA came back slightly out of range but it is saying the result is “satisfactory” (4.88; range 0.63-4.84). I’m due to speak to my Dr tomorrow but as it has been marked satisfactory I know they will say that I’m fine (they have done before). It’s not that I want to be diagnosed as Coeliac but I feel so crappy in my day to day life that I would prefer to know something if it’s going to improve my standard of living.
I feel so much worse when eating Gluten but without diagnosis it is somewhat difficult to get people to fully acknowledge that I medically need to steer clear.
my question is two fold:
firstly, is my result anything of concern and/or should or could they have done more tests to rule it in or out;
secondly; is there anything I should be aware of before speaking to my GP tomorrow as I want to be fully armed with facts on whether I should let this go or whether I should demand further investigation.
massively appreciate any help