anyone know the reliability of the at home testing kits for celiac ?
I have just done one and it tested positive
anyone know the reliability of the at home testing kits for celiac ?
I have just done one and it tested positive
Can be accurate, the UK gastro accepts. Needs confirming with a GP or gastro test though. They only point to possible coeliac disease. My experience false positive .
Personally, I got a positive on one when I was undergoing a gluten challenge under gastroenterologist care to test for coeliac disease. The hospital test was normal. I was very ill at the time from eating wheat. The genetic test ruled it out. So the home tests can be falsely positive. The anti-ttg blood test can be transiently positive in other conditions though very rare. A positive suggests possible coeliac disease but not necessarily.
From what I’ve read in the science. Suggests gut damage and inflammation when positive. Which makes sense.
Unless the blood test is off the charts positive the gold standard is still a gut biopsy to diagnose coeliac disease.
Hope that’s helpful.
Good luck and hope you get an accurate diagnosis.
Hi thanks that’s really helpful.
I had a test a few weeks prior at the docs but the doc didn’t tell me I needed to have been eating gluten for six weeks prior. So it was inconclusive. So I have increased gluten and re tested and it’s now positive.
So I don’t know whether to wait for the re test at the docs in six weeks or present this test to him ?
What a complicated mess hey ?!
Feeling quite ill also last night. So think that further confirms things
Thank you for your reply
Hi. It’s awful having to eat stuff that makes you ill isn’t it.
The symptoms I had/have point to coeliac disease but it wasn’t. Allergy sensitivity was my diagnosis and still a strict gluten and wheat free diet. I still have ongoing symptoms but not as bad put it that way. There’s conditions with similar symptoms.
If you can bear it for the 6 weeks gluten challenge the blood test at the drs is likely to be more reliable. If not try and get a referral to a gastroenterologist because obviously they are the specialists and GP’s don’t always know that much on it.
Thank you so much.
Yes think I will stick it out. And six weeks is the new year so doesn’t seem to far away.
Did you have the endoscopy if you don’t mind me asking how were they able to give you the correct diagnosis ?
thank you so much
Don’t mind you asking. The next step would have been carrying on eating gluten until a gut biopsy appointment could be done, but was given the choice for genetic test instead/ first to rule coeliac disease in or out before that. So could go gluten free again and feel better. Because I was made ill obviously eating a ‘normal diet containing wheat’ (tmi classic horrendous ibs-diarrhoea and other symptoms). I was tested for ibd crohns and colitis first.
The genetic test was negative so was diagnosed with likely wheat allergy and or gluten sensitivity (I had already tested positive for igE antibodies to wheat but could be resolved from childhood. Possible to have gluten intolerance and allergy but rare).
I long Suspected allergy more likely because I have other allergies. and was (maybe still am, trying to figure this out still) allergic to milk and egg as a child.
The health journey is ongoing 🧐 .
Good luck and hope you get answer re coeliac disease.
Hi Apney1234,
Email the company you purchased it from. They may know or can ask their suppliers.
Do you feel poorly ?