Does anyone else coeliac get thrush when they’ve been glutened? Weird but seems to be true? Or strange coincidence?
Bl**dy annoying either way 🙄
Does anyone else coeliac get thrush when they’ve been glutened? Weird but seems to be true? Or strange coincidence?
Bl**dy annoying either way 🙄
Hi Tilly
There does seem to be a link between the two. Looking on line there are several articles about coeliacs being more prone to thrush than non-coeliacs. I’m guessing that your guts have not recovered, so making you more liable to infection.
I had thrush very badly when I first went gf. so cut out all yeast products, sugar, and went as low carb as I could manage. It took several months to get over it.
I think that probiotics have helped, I’m drinking goat’s milk kefir at the moment.
It certainly is bl**dy annoying. Hope you can resolve it.
thanks Penel - makes me feel less alone - but sorry that you suffer too :(. It seems odd how quick the reaction is (day 1 glutening, day 2 feel utterly dreadful all day, day 3 thrush starts overnight but feel less dreadful, day 4 normalish but the thrush lingers on).
A definite pattern. Is there no end to the indignity?
Hi Tilly, I’m sure you’re right and that there’s a systemic link in the way the body responds to multiple threats. For example if I get even very mildly ‘glutened’ by cross contamination, I will develop a nickel allergy that I don’t have the rest of the time. Or if I have an asthma attack (thankfully not had one for ages) my lactose intolerance gets a lot worse and I’m also very likely to get thrush or cystitis or both (oh the joys).
Now I don’t know if this is relevant to your age at all or whether there’s any scientific rationale to it but since going on HRT (oestrogen gel) all of it has improved, by which I mean after a few months so far no thrush, no cystitis, no asthma attacks, no eczema, and my tolerance for lactose seems to have increased a little.
There may be nothing in it, but if anyone can think of a causal link it might be something for the ladies in that age group to think about?
hmmm interesting - I'm also on hrt (oestrogel too) and suspect I need to up the dose a bit (even more irritable than usual 😆, mild night sweats) so you've made me think.... It's that "multiple conditions" thang isn't it - coeliac, hypothyroid, ancient menopausal body - where do we start looking?? Thanks for the thought tho X (ps assume you are west country too?)
Wow. Never made the link!! Luckily mine is mild but rears it's ugly head now and again, so I guess the answer is yes. It also makes me think I have always had Coeliac Disease as I use to suffer thrush a lot. Once when I was about 14 or 15 I had it so badly I was in awful pain but I didn't know what it was then and couldn't tell my mother as she would have accused me of doing something bad (I was a virgin still, it was just her way), it went on for some time 😖😭, thank goodness since then I know about canisten and you can also buy it over the counter now so I pop a bit of that on and it usually clears it up quite quickly. Thank you for sharing this though!