I'm reading some information on random forums about whether or not those with coeliac/gluten intolerance should avoid eggs, meat and fish from animals that are fed on a gluten-grain based diet. I think this is disappearing down the rabbit hole (no pun intended) as it's quite difficult to find these types of food items from a non-grain fed source, but wondering what others think?
Eggs, Meat, Fish - animals that are f... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Eggs, Meat, Fish - animals that are fed grains - avoid?
Absolutely not! There is nothing to worry about (from a gluten point of view) about any animal products.
When any animal, including a human, digests gluten, they are digesting a protein in the same way as we digest any other protein - by breaking it down into its component parts, and using the results to make their own proteins, or energy. It does not stay in the form of grain protein (gluten) - so it cannot harm us or be recognised in our bodies as having gluten in its background.
There are environmental reasons for preferring grass fed beef and lamb, but there are no gluten-related reasons.
This is an example of one person getting an idea and getting it widely accepted because people believe what they read on their screens, without looking at the evidence!
Sorry if I am being a bit too definite here - but I do feel strongly about misinformation!
Hi Whydothis. Thank you for that response. This was my understanding also, that gluten does not effect any of the products we consume, but some people seem to be asserting bits and bobs of research. I do read that grass-fed is healthier, but I do wonder how plausible that is, given our climate that means animals are brought in from fields in winter (if they are actually allowed out at any point in the year) and fed on high-calorie feeds that may not be gluten free. I agree it's a bit of a stretch, but some seem quite emphatic on the trace elements of the gluten that make their way into the food chain. I think to think at this granular level would drive us mad, but it seems an interesting angle.

I doubt very much whether this "scare" is linked to real, scientific research, rather than anecdotal evidence!
Personally I prefer to buy grass fed beef mainly because it is feeding beef cattle on grains that gives them a high carbon footprint - grain-fed cattle are intensively farmed (and likely to be less healthy and to have been given more medication)
The cattle and sheep in the UK that are outside on grass in summer but taken indoors in winter are fed mainly on silage or hay (preserved grass) through the winter, and very little grain only if they really need it. This leads to healthier animals, better food for us, and environmental advantages.
That makes perfect sense. In an ideal world I would go vege, but too restrictive under my current dietary remit. It does seem that there are certain niche people on the gluten free scene who maybe enjoy pushing the boundaries of credibility.
If I was to avoid eggs, meat and fish from animals that are fed on a gluten-grain based diet, that would leave me with virtually nothing else to eat, I don't enjoy salads and fruit, I find the gluten free alternatives uninspiring, and are usually packed full of stuff that isn't good for us.
After a year that we've all been through, this is just what I need to hear. 😏
Ditto, and please don't take any of this as a given. It's the extreme end of the gluten free discussion, but thought it was worth throwing out there. To be fair, I might be better deleting it, as you say, given the year.

My reply was slightly tongue-in-cheek, but I really would struggle without eggs, meat, and fish because they are my favourite foods 🙂
No worries. I suppose every movement has it's looney wing, so it would be interesting to see what the people advocating the issue with grain fed animals actually have for their tea!
Anyone with a basic understanding of nutition and how the body works, including animals, will know that this is absolute balderdash.
It sounds like the nonsense propaganda put about by the vegan evangelists.
They are certainly evangelists. I've looked at one list of the 'contentious' foods, and literally if I avoided them all, in addition to the obvious gluten foods, I would literally be left with nothing. I've heard of breatherians that apparently live off no food, just breathing technique - I might have to look into that....

Breatharians tend not to last long. They either give up when they catch a whiff of a bacon buttie or they leave this vale of tears permanently!
That’s the first time I’ve heard this about gluten. I don’t think for one minute there’s ‘gluten’ in meat fed grains. However, might not be as far out thinking as first think. What came to mind is that it’s interesting in humans purely breastfed infants can become allergic to cows milk, egg etc. from the mothers diet as the proteins can pass in to the mothers milk.
I also read somewhere in a journal that people with rare corn/maize allergy can react to eggs from chicken fed corn??
So maybe not as whacky as it sounds?! The mother breastfeeding research show there are proteins passed on from gluten to the baby, but they may actually help prevent the baby going on to develop coeliac/gluten intolerance.
That may well be the case. I was brought up on National Dried. You should view everything you read in ALL media with a great deal of scepticism. Just because it is written somewhere doesn't make it true.
Very true. We live in the age of fake news.