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FREEDOM TO SPEAK UP [F2SU] is a national NHS whistle blowers scheme.
“The National Guardian’s Office [NGO] and the role of the F2SU Guardian were created in response to recommendations made in Sir Robert Francis’ report “The Freedom to Speak Up” (2015). These recommendations were made as Sir Robert found that NHS culture did not always encourage or support workers to speak up, and that patients and workers suffered as a result.”
But, as always, there are flaws. This has even been highlighted recently during covid-19, with many staff in the news saying that they are frightened of raising issues or simple questions because of negative consequences, mistreatment or even dismissal. E.g. speaking internally within the NHS or as a last resort to media or social media. and
Actor Simon Gregson, Coronation Street, recently spoke on ITV This Morning about a high suicide rate in Junior Doctors, and there have been alleged problems with BAME and other minorities.
These cultural and management problems exist beside an ineffective complaints system for patients e.g. ‘PHSO not fit for purpose’ Patients Association and CQC. This has nothing to do with money – it is culture and regulation.
We need change.
F2SU is one system, there are others. Although, F2SU is usually the last option because staff have tried these other systems which are equally flawed and not properly regulated in the UK.
F2SU Guardians and Champions are existing staff.
They are paid and hired by the organisation.
They are often conflicting roles like Human Resources, Non-Executive Directors and Chair.
According to NHS England Whistleblowers Aug 2020, only 7 Trusts in the UK have chosen to use separate independent organisations to be F2SU Guardians and Champions. Plus, this shows the inconsistency and lack of regulation.
Not doing enough hours or covering long-term absence.
Complaints are sent back to usual routes within hospital.
Some F2SU staff only wanting to talk on phone, not email or letter.
Not responding, following up, or reading.
Staff haven’t heard of F2SU and don’t know what it is. This includes staff that have worked there for years and decades, as well as senior staff.
Some Trusts, employees, and NHS trainers, not knowing that “staff” covered by F2SU includes volunteers, subcontractors, NEDs, and the Council of Governors.
Significant delays and backlogs up to several months, even before covid-19.
Staff frequently unhappy with the outcomes and subsequent professional and personal treatment.
Outcomes of F2SU are not monitored by the NGO.
No powers, they can only “make recommendations” which can be ignored.
They don’t appear to communicate with regulators (CQC, NHSi/e) or signpost.
“We are not able to investigate individual concerns or provide remedies”, when F2SU is meant to protect individuals, not groups “triangulated”.
‘Case Reviews’ have tough, unreasonable criteria.
NGO have a small number of staff (10-16).
Frequently saying “We’re only a small office” when faced with detailed important evidence.
Also saying that they take deaths more seriously, when all NHS information is important as it ultimately affects both patient safety at every potential level, and staff morale, well being and retention (plus agency fees one of biggest costs in NHS).
NGO not knowing basic information about the Trusts, even in pre-arranged meetings e.g. Foundation Trust location.
Confidentiality breaches, when I haven’t told anyone.
NGO confused about what is Case Review or complaint, and their own procedures.
Conflicting role, like Charity Commission, both overseeing and supporting:
“The Commission too willingly accepts what charities tell it when it is investigating alleged abuses. It too often fails to verify or challenge the claims made. Some of the most serious cases of abuse have not been properly investigated.”
My petition:
DevoManc is a unique opportunity for the NHS in Greater Manchester.
Devolution powers could be used to create a truly independent Speak Up system for NHS staff and volunteers, unable to raise concerns elsewhere – either internally or externally (e.g. regulators CQC and NHSi/e, Healthwatch, Council, CCGs, incident reporting, etc). This is because of fundamental failures and gaps in national systems and regulation.
It should also be mandatory to film all public meetings e.g. board, Governors, Council, CCG and Healthwatch. Private meetings should be audio recorded in full and filed for accuracy as organisations are meant to be transparent and publicly accountable.
Karen Morris