Does anyone know how to make gluten free gravy from basic?
Gravy: Does anyone know how to make... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Knorr stock cubes and cornflour,my wife says.
Add Kallo or knorr stock to meat juices, add cornflower slurry bring gently to boil then simmer for 20 mins
Sorry,should have mentioned meat juices,(wife's orders)
I do all the above plus add a bit of white wine for chicken gravy, red wine for beef. I also add a little mustard if I have some in that's gluten free.
I mix either tbsp doves gf flour to the meat juices or use a cornflour slurry, then I add the hot vegetable water rather than a stock cube. If there weren't a lot of meat juices for tastiness, I add a little wine or worcestershire sauce.
Has to be gf Worcester sauce
Goes without saying & Lee & Perrins is.
Ohhh have they changed the recipe- last bottle I bought was ages ago and when I looked it had barley innit so I threw it away and bought gf one instead/ thanks will recheck when I go shopping as the gf one I hit isn't the same
Thankfully I always used cornflour to thicken sauces so that is one thing I did not have to change when going GF.
I do something completely different to all your other replies. It sounds strange but is truly delicious with vegetables. 3tbs tamari 3tbs tahini 3 cups vegetable stock and a couple of tablespoons of rice flour. Whisk and bring to the boil. I usually add Dijon mustard. It's called golden gravy and was devised by John McDougall MD wife Mary. I thought it sounded so strange it took me months to try it. But it's truly delicious!
There's a great recipe on Elana's Pantry (Google it!). It uses broth, pan drippings and onion. It's amazing and my gluten eating friends love it. I usually just use pan drippings if I have enough.
Take care, peeps suggesting stock cubes, most contain wheat and/or yeast extract (malt/barley). I just use the juices from the pan that the meat was cooked in
This is the OLD way that my granny used every Sunday......before Stock cubes were invented........Saute onions and carrots in a frying-pan dont burn just cooked until golden, add meat juices & hot water and continue to cook slowly until it thickens.
If needed to thicken more add GF Cornflour or dried mashed potato Or even very soft cooked mashed potato and stir till all dissolved into gravy, as the natural starch from potato will thicken it up for you, But when in doubt Use Bisto Best in the Jar Yes it is Gluten Free it used to state on the jar but like all the Manufacturers out there they are scared stiff that we are going to sue them for an iffy tummy after we've eating a full plate of food covered in their wonderful gravy
I use my meat juices well seasoned. Bring to boil take off the heat and add cornflour made into a paste. (2 heaped teaspoons with water). Add in stir briskly. Back over the heat. You can add boiled water if you find it too think. Don't normally need to add any stock cubes if lots of meat juices and to get lots I make sure I don't let my meat dry up by keep adding water whilst cooking x
I use two tablespoons of brown rice flour. I stir filtered water into the flour until the lumps are gone. Put it the pan that you roasted your chicken in and stir into the pan drippings. Cook and stir until thickened. Add more water if it is too thick. Season the way you like it. If you do not have enough pan drippings, you add organic turmeric to give it more flavor.
Red wine gravy. Saute one onion in olive oil until soft, must be a dash of oil, add one cup of red wine and cup of beef stock ( I make my own and keep in the fridge), let it simmer until it well reduced and now the good bit, add about two tablespoons butter and let the lot simmer until it thickens, season to taste. Oh I forgot, you can either leave the onions in or strain them out. I think the purists remove the onions. The Hobbit loves the onions being left in.
I use the same recipe for white wine gravy only using vegetable stock and white wine, or chicken stock if it is to go with chicken.
Normal gravy?, pan juices, vegetable stock slurry cornflour and a dash of L & mum never used anything but cornflour and L & P for gravy, so this was the way I learnt to make it as a child (I am now 73).