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hubbardhovis67 profile image
9 Replies

Hi, new here, found by accident.. I am newly diagnosed coeliac, getting my head around it all. Question is have people had problems with weight gain? One symptom for me has been steady weight gain. Before I was pretty constant. Now need to loose 2 stone. I have joined the group on here and found 12 week programme so taking action. Unfortunately gp not very helpful. Any advice would be great . not going letvit beat me but want to feel healthy again :-)


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hubbardhovis67 profile image
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9 Replies
Lynilou profile image

I have a good appetite and eat what I feel is a healthy gluten free diet. I can't tolerate much dairy but try to include some dairy and red meat on gastroenterologist advice as I'm always low in iron and vitamin d. I think perhaps my metabolism is shot -maybe through my long period of undiagnosed coeliac?- but also now with added complications of menopause and I do struggle to keep my weight down. Some good advice recently was if you eat more then exercise more and that is my mantra. I practise yoga several times a week and vigorously walk with my dogs for hours. Both these forms of exercise make me feel good so have no problems keeping going. Portion control is the buzz word in our house and I try not to eat until bursting, just pleasantly full!

Regalbirdy profile image

Hi Hubbardhovis67,

I have also put on two stone since diagnosis. When I spoke to the dietician about it, she said it was more important to focus on getting a nutritious and balanced gluten-free diet than worrying about losing the extra weight in the short to medium term.

The reason for this advice was that she was concerned that if I started restricting calories, it may have too big an impact on my nutrient intake.

A lot of newly diagnosed coeliac's have vitamin deficiencies due to gut absorption issues. In my case, one of the more unusual was that I was borderline magnesium deficient. I also had issues with B12 and vitamin D during the first nine months of my diagnosis. I can't prove it but I think I was probably B5 and B6 deficient as well (my adrenal issues suddenly improved when I started taking strong vitamin B supplements – much to the surprise of my endocronologist!).

I experimented for a while in the beginning with things like gluten-free cakes and biscuits. However although I appreciate their existence, I now rarely touch them. They are far too sweet and calorie dense for my liking; and are part of the reason I put on weight.

I suspect you're probably eating the same volume of food as before but you are probably now absorbing it better. If you are going to lose weight by restricting calories, then I suggest trying to refer yourself someone professional who really knows what they're talking about (possibly a dietician or a nutritionist). Have you seen a dietician on the NHS yet? If you haven't maybe you could approach your GP about this. The one thing I've found you do start to learn how to do as a coeliac, is to respectfully challenge GPs when you think they have made a poor decision. So far I've had at least four decisions overturned in this way, two of them were quite important to my long-term health needs.

Personally speaking, I would also be extremely cautious about going to a standard diet club (slimming world/weight watchers etc) until you have at least 2 to 3 years of being gluten-free under your belt. Whilst the support is often good, it certainly isn't designed for newly diagnosed Coeliacs who are trying to lose weight.

As Lynilou says, do try to make extra time every week to up the exercise - if you feel up to it that is. It doesn't have to be high impact stuff, as long as you get moving. Tai Chi is my main exercise of choice; although I do enjoy a good swim and a walk in the country from time to time.

Good luck and try not to worry too much for now.

Hi hubbardhovis67, weight gain is common amongst newly diagnosed coeliac because you are now absorbing food rather than it passing straight through you, the secret with weight loss is to see it as a gradual lifestyle change rather than a crash diet. So it's best to adopt a new eating habit based on your current needs.

Also many shop bought free from items are very high in fat and sugar and many of us benefit from a gf diet based on naturally gf foods that are not only filling but nutritious.

We all need exercise and regular exercise, so again this can require a life style change and you should find that if you eat less calories and exercise more than the pounds will slip away but do it gradually and the more that you exercise the more you will be able to.

Walking up stairs is very good for us so use stairs rather than an escalator a set of aerobic weights could be very beneficial. And just walking is not only healthy but makes you feel good as is cycling but start you new regime gently so that you don't strain yourself.

Lastly when people try and diet they end up thinking about food too much and kid themselves that they really do need to eat a cake or bar of chocolate so this is why it is important to see it as a permanent life style change that is sustainable for you.

So good luck and welcome to GFG and the world of all things gluten free.


hubbardhovis67 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

I went to see dietician at the end of July. Follow up in 3 months.

I think what I'm hearing is leave the GF food alone if I can as they packed with high cals, ok for special occasions but not regular day to day diet.

It good to know that I should get my energy back and to be honest, I do feel a change already. Love walking and I'm starting to get that back in.

I wasn't a very clear, my weight gain was pre diagnosis not post. So hence I'm trying to move it now by healthy eating. Nhs 12 week plan and to build up exercise.

Again thanks for sharing your knowledge, it's a bit to get your head around at first.

I think patience is called for on my behalf 😊

Penel profile image


I put on weight prior to diagnosis, I'm assuming my body was so desperate for nutrition that I just over-ate.

Definitely agree with leaving the ready-made gf food in the shop. There are lots of naturally gluten free foods and recipe sites to give you ideas on cooking. There are also more and more places to eat out now.

I have found that the carbohydrate recommendation on the NHS 12 week plan is too high for me to lose weight.

Do remember to check everything, as gluten can be found in unexpected places.

hubbardhovis67 profile image
hubbardhovis67 in reply to Penel

Thanks, you are so right, I bought a can of diet coke, safe, NO! Tesco own brand has barley in, why?!?!?

I dare say I will live and learn 😊

rommelandremus profile image

You will be surprised how easy it is to cook GF meals for you and your family, you wont even notice the difference (apart from bread which is an exception). I am gluten sensitive and have kept off gluten for 12 months - I eat out regularly and feel much better, most recipes can be adapted - just buy alternative flour, I am on week 2 and lost 6lb last week - weigh day tomorrow - good luck to you

hubbardhovis67 profile image

Oh that's brilliant! Well done!.

I'm trying to do protien and veg/fruit ; around1400 per day. The other week gained 3 pound... I have no idea why. Then drop down 2 this week.

I use the fit app thingy to help me see what I'm having. Evenings a killer. So put myself bed lol.

MariaJenny profile image

I am having the same weight down and up problem.

And I am a GYM person, I do measure my body and my heart and level of energy too much, that is what moved me to investigate my body changes and I found I have now coeliac.

My dietist told me I am not yet absorbing nutrients, I have still a hight level in my coeliac screen test --'Tiss. Transglutaminase IgA

' is named in the paper--, so I eat and my body keeps hungry.

I have to repeat the test in 6 months to see if the gluten free diet has worked and I start to assimilate more nutrients from the food.

The doctor gave me calcium 1600mg & iron tablets also because I have a bit of anemia too.

But some how now with the diet I am starting to feel less hungry, and more energy.

And also food is more difficult to find, no candy machines, no sandwiches, I have to drive from my work 10 minutes to a big supermarket if I want to eat anything. I think it will make me eat more sensible meals and reduce weight again.

I hope this initial period of recovery passes soon and I start to know my real normal again.

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