I have been gluten free for nearly a year now and while most of my symptoms have gone I still get really bad bloating! Could this just take a while to go? Or maybe related to an intolerance to something?
Bloating: I have been gluten free for... - Gluten Free Guerr...

Hi sar1850,
My guess would be that it's related to a secondary food intolerance.
For example: I don't eat oats because I don't like the side-effects on my guts. The last time I ate them (since going GF), I bloated and I nearly farted my duvet into the middle of the following week as a result!! (Apologies here if you have a sensitive disposition...).
Doing a food diary can be quite useful; but by and large, trial and error is probably your best bet to figure out the culprit.
Oh that made me laugh a lot!!!! Thanks, I don't eat oats, barley etc so strictly GF. I might try dairy cuz I've had problems with that in the past!
He he you crack me up!
The problem with bloating is it is so vague. It can suggest inflammation, which could be some foods irritating your already inflamed gut OR something more serious like an obstruction in your bowel. Is it in combination with pain/trapped wind/cramp? Keep some sort of diary record of it and make sure you mention it next time you see your medic.
I agree I think it's likely a secondary food intolerance. I've been working my way through the fodmap type diet and there are unexpected things I've realised cause me to bloat. My nutritionist suggests I eliminate them temporarily, introduce a good probiotic like vsl3 and a gut repair supplement called permavite as I tested positive for leaky gut. As well being strictly GF these things I'd identified are likely to be irritating the gut which impairs healing.
I've found working with a nutritionist and getting some Cyrex tests done has given me the quickest results, but a food diary could help you also. My gastro doctor was no help whatsoever!!
Good luck
Hi there..From where did you buy the supplement permavite for leaky gut?
I'm looking at my email from my nutritionist and she said nutri link. I ordered a few months ago and I can't actually remember but I would've just done what she said! It's called permavite powder. Hope it helps
Have you tried probiotics?
Hi Sar
I am gluten free and bloat if I eat potatoes and gluten free bread. Maybe try eliminating dairy and if no better, try soya, then potatoes and other grains. Maybe you have a leaky gut. I follow this lifestyle and feel so much better on it.
For my daughter and mother-in-law (both coeliacs) this happens (along with tummy ache) with oats - even the gluten free ones. I now substitute oats for quinoa flakes and it seems to be working. We are writing a blog at theglutenfreegang.com as a diary for our journey to be a gf family. I'm trying out lots of new recipes and going to start posting more of them there. I have one on their for gf granola, that I can make with quinoa flakes. Good luck working out the secondary!
check to see if it is the gums in packaged gf foods. I cant eat xanthum gum. I also ended up drastically reducing dairy, buckwheat and corn.
I was diagnoised with coeliac disease about a year ago and i have followed a gluten free diet (only a few slip ups) but I still get bloating most of time I stuggle with work to because i always feel so tired its awful... i suffer from anxiety too so I worry alot before i eat anything