Do you find it hard to tolerate sugar... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Do you find it hard to tolerate sugars since going GF?
I always had demerara sugar when I was a child and have always felt white sugar was too refined and sickly for me.
This is about acidosis which's where the body becomes too acidic because of the over refined foods that we eat these days.
Thanks Jerry.
I find fizzy drinks bloat me like a whale (never was a huge fan - but no more GF beer and lemonade in the summer for me!). Plus Sorbitol does the same thing (often in Vitamin D calci-chew tablets).
I can't tolerate any more:
- fizzy drinks inc GF beer (bloat hugely)
- artifical sweetners (more bloating which lasts for days)
So at least that narrows down any sweet tooth cravings!
My brother has been put on the FODMAPs diet by his NHS specialist at Guys & St Thomas's. He's coeliac but was further diagnosed with IBS when his symptoms didn't all clear up once gluten free. FODMAPs is based on avoiding fructose, lactose, fructans and galactans - so all sugars!
I have been diagnosed as fructose intolerant as well as wheat and gluten. I find fizzy drinks hard to tolerate and now avoid all fructose, its hard but worth it! No more headaches, stomach ache and tiredness for me! X