What is the difference in spirt vineg... - Gluten Free Guerr...
What is the difference in spirt vinegar and malt vinegar when stated in ingredients and are Coeliacs allowed it?
Malt vinegar is made from malt, which is gluten containing, and spirit vinegar is not made from malt and is ok for coeliacs. Look out for anything containing wheat, barley, malt and gluten. If you search online there are lists of things that you cant have, just be sure to read the label thoroughly. Some coeliacs also have some issues with oats, but i think that depends on the person.
Hope this helps
According to the coeliac society, barley malt is contained in such small volumes in fermented malt vinegar that it should be safe for coeliacs. However chip shop vinegar is usually not malt vinegar but "non-brewed condiment" which does not contain barley malt but may contain wheat in the caramel colouring that it contains. Malt vinegar and non-brewed condiment are usually about 3% acid.
White vinegar (kebab shop vinegar) is usually spirit vinegar or distilled malt vinegar both of which should be safe for coeliacs.
Spirit vinegar is usually above 5% acid and more usually used in commercial products and for pickling vegetables (due to the inhibition of bacterial growth by the more acidic conditions). It is usually derived from sugar.
If it helps at all, I can't tolerate non-brewed condiment but can tolerate distilled malt vinegar (white).
Malt vinegar according to Coeliac Australia is a no no. And remember we test to 5ppm. So bd careful.
If only the Coeliac society in the UK were so rigorous!
We are so lucky the society are well organised.
Exactly. Wouldn't it be great to have a specialist doc so you could ask and get tests done and get food suitable, like a one stop shop. Not recognised enough as a disease witha ripple effect of health issues. Thank goodness for the Internet and being able to share but all our systems are damaged and work sooo different ways. I shall just avoid all vinegar cos meown body doesn't like it. Thanks
spirit vinegar is fine because it is disilled,its like you can still drink spirits ie whiskey, vodka, gin the whiskey was the first thing i checked with my dieticiation sorry about my spelling
When I had the gluten content testing kit, I tested malt vinegar and it came in at below 5ppm. But....I can't drink any whiskey based products, they bring on my DH