Do mushrooms contain a type of gluten - Gluten Free Guerr...
Do mushrooms contain a type of gluten

Not the mushroom it's self.......but it's grown on stuff that contains gluten....
Ok. It's just I was looking up what vitamins are in mushrooms (as I eat so many ) and it mentioned something called beta-gluten. Just the name suggests it but I hope not. Ta
Mushrooms contain beta-glucan...
Mushrooms do not contain gluten and do not pass gluten over as a cross-contaminant.
Gliadin/glutenin are proteins found in wheat ,rye, barley and some react to oats. Gliadin/glutenin can be carried over when something like xanthan gum is grown on wheat.
Beta glucan is a type of soluble fibre, gluten is a protein molecule so completely different. Mushrooms are safe to eat, even if grown in wheat they would not uptake the gluten so providing you wash them well you will not ingest gluten.
Thank god for that I love mushrooms but the questions do get more obscure which is good.
Some coeliacs (not me, so I'm not an expert) find they need the extra-restrictive (yay!) FODMAP diet which rules out mushrooms. If you think you're reacting to them, this may be a good question for your GP (if they're clued-up) or nutritionist (likewise).