My grandfather had glaucoma and his children have regular tests because of this. What is the chance I will inherit this?
Grandfather had glaucoma : My grandfather had... - Glaucoma UK
Grandfather had glaucoma
You can look up the hereditary factor in developing glaucoma. I can tell you my own experience.My father had glaucoma. He lost sight because of it but did not go blind. His was diagnosed at a later stage in his life than mine.
I am one of 4 children but the only one to develop glaucoma. Also I am the only one to be short sighted, apparently that can raise your risk.
I was lucky in that because of short sight I had regular eye checks from childhood.
I was identified as having raised eye pressures in my early 50s., but not glaucoma.
Raised eye pressures are treated earlier now, at lower pressures than mine was, to lesson the possibility of the development of glaucoma.
I am in my late 70s now and because of regular checks and treatments I still have good eyesight and a driving licence.
Take care.
I am new here, and like you my father had glaucoma. I have been referred to the hospital with high pressure in both eyes 25. My eyesight seems ok, but am suffering a bit with eyeball ache and headaches. Wondering like you whether I should be on medication too. Are you on drops?
Hello Margo. I was started on drops with pressures of 26,28. I used Monopost for 5 years then wanted to try without drops. Pressure went to 40s so back on drops. Laser didn't help. Varying drops for 17 years but pressures never below 20. I was showing deterioration in optic nerves plus slight missing section of field test. So onto operations 4 years ago. Shunt in one eye, trab in the other. Since then no drops and pressures 10 and 8. My condition now stable.
Like a lot of people I was worried at first but was reassured that if I used drops and always had regular checks I would be ok. One thing I did was to make sure I had plenty of omega 3, less of omega 6, plenty of carotinoids in vegetables, less processed food and drank more water than I used to.
Obviously I can't say how much this helped, but I find that it helps me to be trying to help myself in some way. Sorry if too much information, I can get a bit carried away sometimes ...
I have low tension Glaucoma in my right eye.
My sister also has Glaucoma
Both of us have had successful LST laser surgery to reduce pressures.
Both our parents were Glaucoma free, however our maternal Grandfather had Glaucoma in both eyes.
Consultant believes genetics are a major factor.
Good luck and keep getting regulatory examinations.
It would firstly depend on the type of glaucoma that your grandfather has. Direct relatives (ie his children) are around 10 times more likely to develop open angle glaucoma than the general population. For angle closure glaucoma, direct relatives are around four times more likely to develop this than the general population. Keep up those regular eye tests as early detection can be beneficial in terms of treatment and reducing the rate of sight loss.
Great question! I totally get your concerns and yes, there appears to be a genetic link (as noted by other remards, you can look this up). Getting regular eye and pressure checks (annual is usually the recommendation for those with a family history) is key.
FYI: my dad and his parents had glaucoma. Back then there were less effective diagnostic tools. Subsequently, they all had vision loss at some level. But here I am, 69 and on Lumigan for IOP. For the last ten years w/o any major issues. Chances are, genetically, that I'm likely to eventually be diagnosed with glaucoma. But...I'm the only one of his five daughters to have any eye issues at all.
So...the main thing is to be checked annually. My son is 46 and had an initial (baseline) pressure check at age 30. He gets his done yearly and so far all is good. There are many treatments for IOP, glaucoma, and other issues related to glaucoma; my ophthalmologist/glaucoma specialist reassured me that we're in this together and glaucoma is very treatable. And that most people with a glaucoma diagnosis have relatively few issues.
Take care, Debbi