hello there, I would be grateful for any one’s experience to get the best from my reading and distance glasses. Long story but am needing to change what I currently have.
Firstly what actually is the best lighting for in the home? Not sure if leds are bright enough? It’s it a warm light or white light or how the lights are placed ? (I know to close the blinds to block out the Sun )
What is the best add on for computer screens? Is it anti reflective , zero tint or anti glare ? Any disadvantages to any of these? I think the tint is for all my workplace white shiny surfaces but I’m much more concerned about seeing the computer and my phone re my volume of usage.
for distance , specifically walking rather than driving. The sun is the biggest challenge. Is it best for reactive but will these make everything dimmer in the winter months ? would I need anti reflective for walking?
does anyone with poor visual fields find their distance glasses really unnerving? (Whilst they bring objects into sharper focus they seem to make it all more goldfish bowl!?) particularly struggle / unnerved by people appearing with no warning whilst wearing and I’m finding I much prefer no glasses and for everything to just be equally fuzzy ?? But the distance do help with the uneven pavements🙄
also is there an actual visual field ‘score’ ? I’ve had a few visual tests and the hospital did a more narrow visual test but other than the docs comment I don’t have a measure or score? Want a bench mark to help me gage if I’m exaggerating my difficulties.
any advice or personal experience would be most appreciated. Thank you xxx