My husband was diagnosed with glaucoma a few years ago and has got considerably worse recently, he’s on 6 drops a day and has had laser treatment. While the right eye is settling for the time being the left is on a fast downward slope, now getting booked in for urgent Trabeculectomy within 4 weeks.
His biggest concern is driving, whilst he’s on a yearly DVLA licence for this and is a huge worry every time it comes round, ( will he/won’t he lose is licence 😩)
He needs his license for work as a carpenter/builder…having the op means no work for weeks due to pressure and dust and at 61 and looking to the future it’s too soon to retire. Although it’s horrid talking about money we wanted to know it there are any disability allowances or help out there?? All I can find is ‘might be eligible’ so would be good to know this could happen if/when it gets to bad as fear we are close to that time.
Many thanks for your time, The wife 🥰