Anxiety after trabeculectomy (5 weeks) - Glaucoma UK

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Anxiety after trabeculectomy (5 weeks)

Madara786 profile image
17 Replies

Hi, Im very young and have been diagnosed with glaucoma in my left eye. I had a Trabeculectomy 5 weeks ago and my eye is still pretty blurry, it feels like the blurriness is getting worse. I get random symptoms in my eye and it's made my anxiety pretty bad. For anyone who had the surgery how long did the blurriness last?

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Madara786 profile image
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17 Replies
Bec8891 profile image

Mine seemed to last longer than many other peoples too. It was about 7 weeks for my blurry ness to subside. It was 3 weeks before I could even open the eye due to pain.

I thought it wasn’t normal but it did come back eventually and I waited the recommended 3 months to get my sight test done and it has changed considerably.


Madara786 profile image
Madara786 in reply to Bec8891

Since you couldn't open your eyes for the first 3 weeks, how long was it until you could let water touch your eye?

Ritualhazard profile image

I know this probably won’t help but I didn’t have any blurriness. What Bec8891 says shows we are all different. I’m know my friend who’s had trabs and shunts in both eyes experienced different recoveries each time. If you’re really worried ring your consultant’s secretary but it is still early days. I had to take ores forte drops for nearly six months which is way longer than anyone else…. I was also worried about that. I’m learning there is no such thing as “normal”

GirlWithTheBow profile image

i had a trabeculectomy done almost a year ago in one eye and 6 months in the other eye. The blurry vision is still here. I struggle with screens and bright light. I find sunglasses when out and about helps and try to wear a visor indoors. Apparently i have wide eyes so where they’ve removed part of my iris is letting a lot of light into my eyes causing the blurriness

floki7 profile image

I had a trab 2 years ago and my eye is still blurry, because it has caused a cataract, have been waiting around 18 months to see a specialist about that. Will never have a trab in the other eye after this.

pinks223 profile image

Mine was blurry for maybe 2 weeks

LondonStadium profile image

Hi , Sorry to hear you are having problems with your eyes so young , I've had trabulectomies in both eyes when I was diagnosed with glaucoma /Uveitis , as far as I can remember I think the blurry vision disappeared after a couple of weeks but everyone is different with their recovery times , I would definetley get in touch with the ward and ask if you could see someone or you could go to A+E eye dpt , I feel for you with your anxiety especially being young , I had laser surgery in January and my eye had become so blurry I can't see much and no one realises who haven't got eye problems how anxious it makes you feel

Anyways I hope you do get help with the blurriness and your vision gets back to normal I'm sure it will ..

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to LondonStadium

I feel your pain on this one, I too have Uveitis and Glaucoma, which in my case was caused by the steroids for Uveitis. I've lost about 50% vision in one eye, and the anxiety can be so bad, I seem to have good and bad days and weeks and alot of the time can't even tell if my vision is getting worse or not, or decide if I have a Uveitis outbreak and need an appointment. Glaucoma is bad enough but to manage both of these conditions is an absolute nightmare.

LondonStadium profile image
LondonStadium in reply to frankthebank

Hi That's exactly how I feel with the good and bad days and also with the vision my left eye is so badly blurred I can't see anything , my right eye is good but only central vision , I was due to have a cornea transplant but it was suddenly taken off the table due to the damage from numerous ops and procedures , been feeling pretty down as just started a new job for the NHS , you are so right about the anxiety I've never felt like this before even simple things become hard , it's nice to talk to people who know what we are going through .

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to LondonStadium

Hi, yes it's great to connect with people who can relate. I feel for you, for people without issues it's hard to understand, as much as I try and be positive and just march on its hard its a never ending battle, of worries. Also the poor vision can be very disorientating, with a feeling of disconnect. You sound like you have been though so many tough times and I wish you all the best 😊

LondonStadium profile image
LondonStadium in reply to frankthebank

Hi Your so right it is great to talk to people who fully understand what we are going through because no matter how many family and friends you have they can't understand what it's like to lose your sight and realise you can't do things you used to do , I know what you mean about marching on and being positive there is always the underlying feeling of fear and anxiety, I was a similar age to you when I was diagnosed and it is a young age to be suffering from both glaucoma and Uveitis, I wish you all the best too fella and I'm always here if you need a chat ..

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to LondonStadium

Cheers buddy and that goes for you 2👍

LondonStadium profile image
LondonStadium in reply to frankthebank

Thanks fella appreciate it ..

Trish_GlaucomaUK profile image

Hello, It can 6-8 weeks to fully recover from a trabeculectomy. Vision should improve as the weeks go by. If you feel yours is getting worse rather than better, it is very important that you get back to the consultant via the eye secretary, and don't leave it until your next appointment.

frankthebank profile image

Hi, It's hard to give you an answer on this without knowing your case, how high was your pressure pre Trab and for how long, and at your check ups post surgery how were your pressures. Recovery can take longer than 5 weeks, however your pressure could now be too high or too low, and need looking at, also if you had a high pressure and damage before the opp this could have damaged the eye. That's why it's difficult to answer the question without knowing your case. Like others have said though, if in doubt get yourself down to the hospital on an emergency appointment, which should be easy as you are post surgery. I had to this because my vision was terrible after trab for a long time due to low pressure, and I had to go back for more surgery, after this the vision recovered alot, but high pressure and low pressure damaged my vision forever, so it's better to be safe than sorry and get yourself an appointment. All the best.

Madara786 profile image
Madara786 in reply to frankthebank

Hi, I had a recording of 57 IOP and it was reduced to 26 with eye drops and tablets before my surgery. Currently my pressures have been recorded at around 8 and 9

frankthebank profile image
frankthebank in reply to Madara786

It's possible and hopefully this isn't the case that the 57 pressure and 26 did some damage, the drainage must have completely closed if the tablets only took it down to 26, that sounds like exactly what happened to me pre OPP, although they kept me waiting far too long for the opp, and maybe they didn't for you. 8 and 9 though post opp is really good 👍 because there's a lot of guess work with what pressures you end up with, and if that stays around there, you probably won't need to take eye drops in the future. I only really needed another opp because the stitches came out when I blew my nose and the pressure droped to Zero, this was where most damage was done. So in your case things should improve soon, but like I say if you are worried, call the emergency number and get yourself down there.

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