I had this procedure done 5 days ago. Although my eye feels fine ( a bit blurred) I would like to know if others feel that it’s been worth it. I am 72 and already had lost some vision in that eye. Fortunately my other eye is still good.
trabeculectomy: I had this procedure done 5 days... - Glaucoma UK

Hello Justinerose,
trabeculectomy - is it worth it or not is depending on the pressure and the visual field.
If it is not done the pressure will still going up and the visual field will be lost further.
In my case my pressure is normal but my visual field is getting worse. So i needed trabeculectomy, After the operation one of my eyes gave scarring issue and tube insertion had to be done.
The blurring of vision is normal for a few days / weeks because of the healing process and also due to various eye drops . You will be closely monitored by the eye consultant and team so you will be in their safe hands. There a few things to be monitored - vison, pressure, scarring, infection, etc.
with the best wishes
Good morning, My trabeculectomy was done on 5th June. Vision blurred for 2 months. Basically all the time putting various drops in left eye. My vision is now good. In fact I am back playing golf. During recuperation did not lift or bend. No housework or gardening. Limited hairwashing/showering. My pressure was low at one point so had Atropine drops (more blurred vision). Saw consultant ladt Thurs. Said my eyecwas repairing very well and pressure was 6. Just do as told and you will come through the other end. I am 70 in Dec. Good luck. Angela
I am also 72 and due for trabeculectomy in a couple of weeks so reassuring to hear yours has gone well so far and hope your recovery continues to be successful. I am anxious about the procedure but now just want to get it over with as I will need 2nd op a couple of months after if all goes well. Good luck.
Hi, my trab op took an hour. I had local anaesthetic which involved injections around eye. Not a great experience. Could see bright light and heard consultant. A lovely nurse held my hand throughout. I did not know what to expect which prob best! Good luck. Think worth having as I no longer have the glaucoma eye drops. Angela
I had mine done in May and my vision is still extremely blurred in that eye. I now need cataract operating on in the same eye because the operation has made that significantly more pronounced but hopefully that will help with the blurriness. The trabeculectomy has reduced my pressures from 30 to 10, so longer term yes, it feels like it was worth it for me. I also felt that at 53 with high pressures and notable peripheral vision loss, and given I’d also had laser surgery and unsuccessful medication, I probably didn’t have many other options available in terms of preserving sight in the eye for as long as possible. So I think whether a trabeculectomy is worth it or not is probably down to very individual circumstances.
Good luck with your recovery.
am 47 had mine do 2 years ago just hope it helps to save what I have
Hi Justinerose, just to say I think a trabulectomy is well worth it! Ive got one in each eye, and they are still working well, after 20 years. Now I put drops in, but have only had to do this for the past 8 months, to supplement them. The consultant said that despite the advances in eye treatment over the past decades, a trabulectomy is the gold standard!
I had one about 3 years ago now. My pressure wouldn’t stabilise (in one eye) & I have significant sight loss in that eye now. The trab stabilised it & has been stable ever since. I haven’t lost any more vision in that eye either so for me 100% worth it.
Had trabulectomy and cataract removal done at same time over two years ago. All went well and pressure reduced, although 18 months ago the consultant prescribed Travoprost drops to help keep pressure down, currently stabile around 15-18. Sight in this eye good, am 77. Other eye recovering from 3 retinal detachments since March. Silicon oil successfully holding the retina in place where earlier gas bubbles failed. Oil staying in for around 6 months. Vision slightly distorted, but acceptable.
I had trabeculectomies in both eyes 35 years ago as I have normal tension glaucoma and I had significant sight loss by the time I got the correct diagnosis.
The trabs are still working and while I also take drops and tablets I do not regret having the trabs (even tho it was a week in hospital per trab in those days). I believe they have been an important part of the management of my glaucoma which has preserved my eyesight. Definitely worth it for me.
Good Luck in your recovery and for the future.
Best Wishes, Laura