Have been taking lumigan before bed for 3 years no problem now wake In the night with asthma I take asthma meds which I haven't used in 5 years but still leaves me with problem s My question is / is there anything I can take instead of lumigan???
Lumigan : Have been taking lumigan before bed... - Glaucoma UK

Only your glaucoma consultant can really answer this question safely as we don’t know your particular diagnosis. But I understand Lumigan is a brand name for Bimatoprost. It could be you have developed an allergic reaction to it or the preservatives in it. I think it can cause issues for some with asthma. If Lumigan is working at maintaining your pressures you could ask your consultant if it is worth you trying a preservative free Bimatoprost. I am prescribed one called Eyreida. I think it more expensive to prescribe so is usually only prescribed when an allergic reaction is shown, which I had.
Hello. There is a possibility it could be the Lumigan but do remember that there are other factors which could be affecting your asthma. There are other eye drops available and it is worth asking your eye specialist about this. Call the eye secretary at the hospital to ask this question to your eye specialist. You will not be prescribed one of the beta blocker eye drops as this can exacerbate asthma.
I would still advise making an appointment with your GP or asthma nurse for a review of your asthma as the medication isn't relieving your asthma symptoms.

No chance of a gp appointment here just a clinical adviser 😂


Very difficult to get any appointment here with any qualified person hoping there is an alternative that's works to lumigan as it says all over the leaflet inside caution needed for asthmatic s mine wasn't that bad until now avoid the triggers no problem
Lumigan didn't work for me and I was changed to Ganfort - which still works years later! I had pressures in the high 20's before SLT and later Cataract removal...and they were down into the teens within a couple of week and now very stable at 12 and 14 for a long time. So yours could improve further as yet. I use Ganfort drops at bedtime only - whether I actually need to now remains uncertain!
Hey daytripper...can't tell you what m3ds to use cuz I'm too new to the whole glaucoma thong...but there's a breathing technique called buteyko breathing...got rid of alot of breathing problem.with it...I've successfully used it to stop asthma attacks...it's all about breathing through your nose not your mouth...try it...I promise it'll work...alot of videos on YouTube. Its the simplest thing.