Hi, my consultant wants me to have a Trabeculectomy because my field test is not good, but, my pressures are only 10 and 11 in each eye. Has anyone else had a suggestion like this? I am worried my pressure will go too low and create more problems. Thanks
Myrtle 22: Hi, my consultant wants me to have... - Glaucoma UK
Myrtle 22

Hi Myrtle22
My eye pressures sat consistently around 11/12 but this pressure wasn’t low enough for me as I had visual field deterioration still happening so I had a Trabeculectomy in my right eye which has brought my eye pressure down to a consistent 7/8 which a year on seems to have stabilised the situation. For the first month post op I had issues with my pressure being too low but was given various things to help and it stabilised at an acceptable number.
Good luck with everything if you do have the Trab, I really hope it helps.
Hi, thank you so much for your reply! It is reassuring, as I was finding it very difficult to understand why I needed a Trabeculectomy when my pressures were ok. When your pressures went too low, was it drops you were given? Thank you x
I totally understand that feeling as thought the exact same thing but my consultant explained that for me my pressures need to be single digit to get control of the visual field progression - we are all so different re pressure as what is low enough for some is still too high for others it seems to be a juggling act. I had a panic initially at needing this op so early as in my 30s but equally if it slows the sight loss I’d try anything. And a year on from surgery it’s been deemed a success - so have hope!
Yes re when pressure too low - they played about with the frequency of the steroid eye drops, was given a drug to only use for 48 hours at a time and separately there is a procedure they can do where they insert a gel substance to essentially ‘re inflate’ the eye (if you think of far too low pressure almost being like a deflated football) - think it’s called hypotony when pressure too low. I’m sure there are other things available to help in addition but this was my experience. I must say during this time the consultant was amazing and I was literally seen every few days (at different hospitals depending on where he was working) to monitor it closely so I felt reassured that I was in very good hands and it eventually settled.
Hope this helps and gives you some reassurance. X
Hi Myrtle 22Reassuring to hear the trab worked for you.
My concern is if I have to agree to a trab what the vision will be like in that eye as its the only eye that I have sight in so I would possibly have no sight if things didn't work out! or possible blurred vision for sometime? (after reading other post trab posts).
I have 20/20 vision in my working eye and anxious about trading that against other possible problems.
I totally understand why it is being suggested-to prevent the slow deteriation.
I can't appreciate the deteriation as I've not experienced the impact of the deteriation on my daily vision?...yet..
Unfortunately these issues are a constant concern that we all live with..
Hi, no, I have not had the Trab yet. Was just trying to find out why I needed it, when my pressures are low, and to hear anyone else’s experience. Thank you
As far as I know, trab not only decreases pressure, but helps to stabilize it during the day, which may help to stop progression.
I was diagnosed with normal tension open angle glaucoma three and a half years ago. My vision is good- just use reading glasses - but at the last appointment showed a dip in central vision as per the black dots in tbe readings from the eye test. Pressures were up at 15/16 and so new consultant called me back in today again . Pressures were down a bit ( 14 both eyes) and I’m being changed from Trusopt to monoprost with a recommendation to go for a trab when I’m back from holiday . Really scared.
Hi, I was already on Dorzolomide/Timolol, and now, I too have Monopost! The consultant is saying I should have the Trabeculectomy. I am very apprehensive, and about the recovery time. I have had Glaucoma for many years and even had cataracts done last year which seemed to work, not because my cataracts were big, they were tiny! But the washing out seems to help lower pressure, and it did! My pressures are 10 and 11 and I don’t need glasses for distance as I did! However, it’s the field test that is the cause for concern, not the pressures .